Never blogged in a while.
Yes its true. I am back. . . . Im not proud of it but Im back. Watch out scania here I come >! I really hate my IGN name, its AznKnyte. I really hate it. If there were someone to change it I would. Even if it involved NX T.T
Im lvl 75 DK . I never feel like trainning. I sometimes force my self to train but its so SLOW! I use to trian like crazy and enjoy it. But now. . .its boring. I can finnaly hit 3 times with Crusher but only on 1 monster. That sucks badly! How does everyone do it? Train and enjoy? I cant do that anymore. I really want to get to lvl 80 though. Arg I should take ANOTHER maple break agian even though I just came back from one
Even with the gamegaurd disabling hacks I still dont want to train. I prefer dealing with hackers then annoying Legit players trainning and telling me to CC or get into a arguement. I hope that doesnt happend to me even though I play at night.
And schools almost over for me. Few more weeks and then Im not a Freshman no more :]. My grades are going steadily (Atleast I think they are). And I have no idea what I will be doing during the summer. I may exersice even more and maybe get a job. I need the money :[.
If anyone wants to add me on Scania my lame IGN is AznKnyte.
I never met someone in maple thats from MMOTALES.
*Feels left out*
It’s easier to train at night/early morning, hardly any people on (not sure about Scania, that world is way overpopulated and I quit playing there a long time ago~). XD
I’ve never had the “cc pl0x” problem at that time.