Marriage of Mushdad and Mushmom

Time for something a bit more light-hearted instead of those anti-scamming guides and whatnot. These are just a bunch of pictures taken with my boyfriend (real boyfriend in real life). He had wanted to do the Maple wedding for a while. And when I was looking through the wedding cash items, I found the packages rather bland, not to mention my boyfriend wasn’t too happy about the price. So I decided to have a “themed wedding”, if you will, and donned the mushroom hats. It would have been funnier if our guild leader wore the zombie mushroom hat and pretended to give me away though.

The last two pictures were just for fun. A bunch of us traveled back to Victoria Island from Ludibrium sometime after the wedding (which was held in Ludi) and decided to form a party for mushmom hunting. As usual, it took a while for the monster to come out and boredom means random screenshots. The last picture occured a few days after the second last. My friend, Blooodz, and I were bored so we decided to visit mushmom again. My MG faded away and I got killed. Then, he jumped down from the rope and followed suit. Thus, the picture located here was produced.

10 thoughts on “Marriage of Mushdad and Mushmom”

  1. Nice idea I always loved the mushroom hats, especially the Zombie mushroom one. But they make the character’s hair look funny after you wear them. Congrats on your wedding

  2. awww soo cute. reminds me of my bf and me. sadly he can’t play ms anymore and has moved away.
    oh well. byeeee= D

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