Why me? Why not my evil Clone?

I don’t know why, but ever since I made my mage, ChikaBaby, guy mages have been stalking me0_o. This level 15 mage started following me and calling me his ‘str1pper’ (what?), his ‘honey’, ‘cutie’, ‘red-hot chik’ (obviously he doesn’t know how to spell!), and asking me if I wanted to go to his place and ‘have some fun’ and ‘get down and dirty’. I responded with an F5 face. He came up to me and tried to kiss me. Even when I changed channels like, 15 times, he was still following me, and he kept on asking me to be his girlfriend and inviting me to a party. Then he got all his friends to stalk me and then I logged off. When I got back on, he had invited me to his buddy list and was trying to stalk me again. So me, being the nice person, told him to ‘screw off’ and find some other girl. I don’t know why, but there was a girl that looked like my clone o_0 beside me and he still wouldn’t stop stalking me. When I pressed the ‘down’ button, I was lying down, because I was trying to poke a green mushroom, h started pressing the down button repeatedly and was attempting to ‘hump’ me. So then I went back to Ellinia and got some potions, attempting to ignore him, but then when I took the taxi to Perion, he followed me (again?!o_0). So I stood before the bench and then told him I already had a boyfriend, and I didn’t want him, but he did the ‘hump’ thing by going behind me and pressing the ‘x’ button so it looked like he was humping me from the behind. I reported him for ‘harrasment’ and told my boyfriend to KS him. He eventually screwed off. Another story is that whenever people see my mage friend ‘darktoon55’ together, they always whisper ‘your boyfriend? he’s hot’ to me.

11 thoughts on “Why me? Why not my evil Clone?”

  1. Muahaha.

    What server? ^_~

    (My guild works as a team when it comes to these things. Mass defaming and reporting and KSing and insulting and, I won’t go that deep into it.)

  2. Don’t worry, he was probably some horneh 10-year-old. . .Don’t let him bother you too much.

    I really feel sorry for him, though. If he’s attracted to 1-inch-tall characters on a game, he needs to seek professional help.


  3. lol, that sucks,
    i remember once some guy was stalking me, and whispering to me, saying i was his wh0re or somthing
    and then he used fireworks, or candy, or one of those thingies to tell everyone on the hunting ground map.
    -_- just know that they are hornei little noobs


  5. i went on my friend’s account b4 (was a female) and all these guys go with this ‘hump’ thing x.X i jsut defame them wtith my defame army pwuahahaha and they get away

  6. lol so many pervs on ms dese days and some very disturbed peopleO_O
    one time I went on my friend’s acc(she was a girl)to help her train and all these started to hit on me and I was like”peopl you knwo I’m a guy?”and they just kept follwoing meO_O
    kind of freaked me out

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