The Maple Dictionary. *gasps*

I’m starting a Maple dictionary for all those noobs who don’t know what CC and etc…means.
CC: Change Channel
KS: Kill-steal
PLOX/PLZ: Please
Teh: The
PQ: Party Quest
JQ: Jump Quest
Um…uh…urgh…I can’t think of anymore! Can someone help me?

9 thoughts on “The Maple Dictionary. *gasps*”

  1. Heh heh, keep going with this. It’s a cute idea ^_^

    Uhm, “nub”, “JQ”, “lol” (hahaha), what faces (like “:D”) are. . .
    Just going through things that people have asked me ^^; I’m sure if you just go to the PQ (Oh! “PQ”! :P) section of Kerning, you’ll find something XD

    good luck though :3

  2. Haha. I never really understood “pl0x”. what? How does that relate in any way to “please?”

  3. one person asked me what xD was,
    took me a while to tell her to turn her head sideways -_-

  4. GM: Game master
    WG: Work glove
    LPQ: Ludi party quest
    ZPQ: Zakum party quest
    Wb: Welcome back

  5. uh,
    dc: disconect
    rotflmao: hahahahahahaha

    thats all i have in my head.

    dc is vaguely funny.

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