Lately these days, I have not ( that’s right NOT) played Maplestory recently and I just started playing again when the anniversary event, and I tried Silkroad for a while but that turned out to be no fun to me, mainly because I don’t like the, as some queer or strange or addicted to games people would say, ” a virtous world of three dimensional shapes”
In other words, 3-D is bad bad.
Well back to MS. As I was saying I just started MS again. and after a looooooong 3 days, I became level 37..
Well might as well blog bout my maple day to you people.
For one. I think the presents quest is annoying. I mean come on, you killed thousands of angry rushing cakes filled with deadly bad sugar you get about ONE present, and after that long tedious work, I got a birthday cake. And i did not find a single maple weapon yet. Meh this is’nt so bad right?
My guild is VERY inactive, but my fellow friends from MMOtales in the mid 40’s zone invited me to pq, but still my buddy list is running out of friends like a kindergardner who has eaten enough candy to feed a whole family for a week, not saying candy is bad for you, but it is delicious. Ah well I got my old friends. Oh yea like today I met my friend from Iran in Maple and we were bout to go train when he dropped that soup thing that looks like wonton soup and ended up callin him an Iwonian the whole time we were training, and then he called me mountain jew when I went to drink some soda. No offense to you Iranians or Jews I didnt mean to offend you. It was just so funny.
Once upon a time there was a lonely and ugly person who lived in the mountains. People made so much fun of him, he used his magic wand and gave everyone umbrella weilding radioactive monkey related death. One of them died by trying to eat one.
The end
What a story can’t have a sad ending?
Oh yea and people in Broa server like can you be my buddies? As I said before my friends either quit ms or something like that. Cya
Cmon people comment
Birthday cake is filled with deadly sugar.
So you got what you were hunting, see.
Okay, not funny. Good luck with the Maple weapons!
if ur in need of friends i will be your friend!
but im not very active as my mom hates seeing maplestory T___T