[AzK]Deafening Screams: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Clash of Sword and Claw

Billy took out his Metus and unleashed a barrage of arrows at Alexei, hoping that the weight of the sword dragged him down. There was no such luck as Alexei dodged the arrows effortlessly and charged at Billy with his Blue Screamer. He dodged out of the way just as the Blue Screamer burst into flames and wrecked the ground around it. Alexei held his sword in one hand and another one suddenly appeared into his hand. “That’s all you got?” Billy teased as he looked up and his smirk turned upside down, into a frown. “Isn’t that cheating?”

“Last time I checked,” Alexei charged at Billy faster than before until he was right next to him, “there were no rules.” Billy swung his Metus just in time to block the first Screamer but he wasn’t quick enough to react for the second one. Crap!, the freezing steel of the Screamers smashed his ribs, partly blocked by the Metus due to Alexei’s clumsiness. They separated, and Billy clutched his gushing red ribs.

I can’t win like this!, Billy raced through his mind for one of the million strategies but none of which could hurt Alexei and not get himself hurt. He tried to move forward but his injured side caused him to clutch it to relieve the pain. Alexei sheathed one Screamer behind his back, the other one exploded into a blinding blue light and left Alexei’s hand.

Rose just constantly stared at Alexei’s movement. Somehow, he had been able to wield a sword, with two of them as well! Two swift paces led Alexei right next to Billy, “Good fight.”

Billy smirked and stood up, “Well you got lucky. Tell me, how are you able to wield both a Sword and a Bow? It’s been only a few minutes and already I’m curious.”

“I’m the Grandson of Tristan, the legendary swordsman,” Alexei explained sorrowfully. Billy had a confused look on his face.

“Then shouldn’t you wield the Hero’s Gladius?” Rose inquired so suddenly. Alexei’s eyes never left the ground but replied with nothing more than a mutter, “He was a weakling. His strength was never my level. The Hero’s Gladius was a good sword, yet it always disappointed me. One day during my travels I destroyed a Wolf Spider and the very Blue Screamer behind my back came from the inside. I picked it up and felt the resonating aura that was being withheld in the blade.”

“. . .I’ve heard of this in a legend. One of each weapon will hold more power than all the rest. Each kind of weapon has a different ability or possibly more than one. I know that Bows’ have the power of lightning,” Billy said, “but I’ve never seen a sword’s ability. Is replicating its ability?”

“No, that is my own doing,” Alexei replied, “I focus my energy into the shape of my weapon and release it into reality. Flame is the ability.”

“. . . Do you know where you can find another one?” Rose asked. She fiddled around with her fingers as she looked at Alexei. “No, I’ve only been able to find one by luck. I went on a journey for 2 years trying to find even one but I’ve been only able to find a Blue Hinkel with the ability. The bow you are holding right in your hand has the ability. My friend was able to iron made from Dark Crystal over it.”

Rose suddenly looked surprise. He entrusted her, a stranger, with this kind of weapon and he didn’t even have a care in the world. She blushed faintly and looked down at the floor.

“Rose, you okay?” Jake inquired as he turned his attention to her. “You seem like you see your crush right in front of you.”

“N-n-no, n-not at a-all,” she blurted out nervously as she felt the tension around her build up. Uh oh!, she thought that Jake was really onto her but it faded away as he turned away with a shrug.

Two Hwabi’s flew out of the trees onto the ground, scarring the fresh footprint of Alexei. He immediately unsheathed his Screamer and stood in his attacking position. “Ah well, maybe next time will be better.” A tall man jumped out from the tree that he hid in and stood up to his full height. His hand was covered by a Brown Scarab. An Outlaw Shirt along with a pair of Cargo Pants stood out in the dim forest background and he stood with pride on his Black Snowshoes. The Silver Identity glowed dimly in the shining sun above them.

“Who are you?” Jake muttered angrily as he drew his Kandine and held it. “Why are you following us?”

“Well that is of my concern,” the man gave them a smile. “At least you’re going to die with the Grandson of Tristan. Be honored.”

“Josh get ready. . .” Jake muttered as he stared at the man. “. . . Josh?” He turned around to find a burst of dust where Josh and Rose used to be. As he turned back around, a finger jabbed him in his stomach. He felt a powerful blow of wind and in an instant he was knocked out cold in front of a shattered tree.

“Josh!” Alexei yelled and started running only to be intercepted by the mystery man. “Get out of my way!” He swung his Screamer but red sparks flew off the steel and the Scarab. They both retreated but the man stood summoned an Avenger atop of his fingers and flung it at Alexei. It was faster than he had anticipated. Blood gushed out of the wound on his shoulder caused him to drop his Screamer. It crashed to the ground in a loud bang.

“I can’t believe you beat Billy with those skills!” he exclaimed and Alexei jumped at him. A small Field Dagger was in his uninjured hand but was blocked by the claw. “Tsk tsk tsk, that’s the lowest form of the warrior’s code, attacking unexpectedly. I thought Warrior’s fought with honor.”

Alexei had a hard look on his face. It was the first time that he had been stopped. Not even the Crimson Balrog stopped him. This wasn’t something he could’ve faced alone but he couldn’t let go. Two sharp edges were rammed into his stomach. His eyes opened wide in shock and the pupils looked down. Two Hwabis stuck out of his stomach. He couldn’t do anything but keep the look on his face. His eyelids weighed a thousand tons as they lowered. His chest felt heavy beating slowing down.

The road was at its end. His life barely began yet he was about to die. Memories flashed as he took a stroll down Memory Lane. When he killed his first monster, when he advanced into a Bowman, a Hunter, a Ranger. He remembered when he was forced to learn the way of the Swordsman, when he ran away. Especially his family. He never regretted any of the decisions he made. He took pride in them. A scar appeared on one of his cheeks. No, life couldn’t end now. Yet it flashed before him. Anger built up in him. No. . . . It can’t end like this. . . . I won’t let it! A cliff appeared before him and before he knew it, he was falling down into the Abyss. He thrust his fist into the wall that hung before him as hard as he could. A light shone from the hole and he woke up.

I may be accepting character entries for my story. Format given below.

Extra Information:

7 thoughts on “[AzK]Deafening Screams: Chapter 5”

  1. Name: Lements Andrews
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Class: Bandit/Rogue
    Hair: Jet Black
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Armor: (You pick)
    Weapon: Hand Axe

    Personality+History+ExtraInfo: Goofy, naive, yet can be serious at times. Always has a smile on his face, irrepressibly optimistic, and cheerful. However, when serious, can be very skillful in battle. He only uses his Hand-Axe, for his best friend gave it to him before he died in their early years. He doesn’t wish to go into detail about his past, but it can be concluded it was tragic.

    Iunno, I guess I was bored.

  2. Well well well.

    Finally another update. ! Buwaha, character creating time >D

    Name: Shira
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Class: I/L Mage
    Hair: Shoulder length, silvery white w/ pale blue tint
    Eyes: Pale greenish blue
    Armor: Dark Enigma
    Weapon: Angel Wings
    Personality: Very flexible. Aloof, but extremely perceptive of people’s emotions, can blend in with anything/anyone (nicknamed Chameleon due to this characteristic), usually refrains from fighting, loves using sarcasm/satire to prove points
    History: Orphaned at early age.
    Extra Information: Posesses above-average abilities


  3. Ooh, you updated! >D

    Name: Kanz
    Age: 12435316436575628 [I don’t know]
    Gender: Anything, maybe a trans? XD
    Class: Fire/Poison.
    Hair: A little too long a guy, a little too short for a girl, ITS WHITE! [Old.]
    Eyes: Grey.
    Armor: That starlight armour thingy.
    Weapon: Fairy Wand.
    Personality: Stubborn, yet very decisive, uses strategy to overcome enemies, but likes to cause massive overkill explosions. Therefore is known as ‘General’ in a sarcastic way.
    History: Comes from a wealthy family, severed ties with family, became one of the best poison mages to watch over the land.
    Extra Information: Wants a sirname real bad. [lol]

    Rofl, that was fun.

  4. Name: Jerry Muffin McTownsend Williams Jr III
    Age: -1 (It’s possible )
    Gender: Male
    Class: None
    Hair: None (muffins have no hair, unless you make them like that…)
    Eyes: Blue.
    Armor: Blueberry chunks!
    Weapon: Your mom whenever she’s available
    Personality: Hyper active, has glaucoma
    History: Born with a rich family, he got interested in pop culture and became emo. He now fakes he has an eye disease just to take drugs (mmm)
    Extra Information: Has to keep a weed plant near him whenever his disease acts up.

    (Looks interesting. You got yourself another giddy fan girl! Ur, boy, excuse me.)

    (And his parents aren’t dead either, nor is he orphaned! *cough*)

  5. Name: Alice Dubois
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Class: archer
    Hair: dark brown/bronze, goes down to the middleish of her back. it’s straight, and she has long bangs that get in the way of things
    Eyes: silver, gets darker with her mood
    Armor: uh?
    Weapon: asianic bow
    Personality: hiding behind her cold exterior, it’s hard to get to know her, but once you do, she’s pretty friendly. sarcastic at times, fair sense of humor. extremely thoughtful and selfless, though it’s hard to tell. she’s very patient, but don’t try to test it — you don’t wanna get on her bad side.
    History: her parents left her to fend for herself trying to keep her safe.
    Extra Information: er. (:

  6. Name : Karl Maroon
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Class: Assassin
    Hair: Dark maroon metro
    Eyes: Maroon too
    Armour: Suana robe, DArk I.D, work gloves, Yellow adventurer cape, snowshoes.
    Weapon: Maple Kandayo
    Personality: Optimistic, Patient, humourous,mysterious at times.
    History : Born under a rich family, got seperated from parents, aim to find them.
    Extra information: He LOVES to flirt.

  7. Name: Thomas Sven
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Class: Elemental Ranger (Iz a hybrid kapish?)
    Hair: Black Metro
    Eyes: (Look at Pic.)
    Armor: Clothing (Look at Pic.)
    Weapon: Dark Arund
    Personality: Serious with a sense of justice that can be taken over the top. Will go insane if his Eagle(Naru) or his Hawk(Mina) are injured.
    History: Parent’s killed in hunting party. . .Was only survivor of the group.
    Extra Information: Has both an Eagle and a Hawk as a sort of Guardian that help him out when needed. Both very importante to his mental state.Has ice/fire elemental skills.

    There you go. . .

    PM for anything else

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