One thing about playing Mabinogi is that you can never find yourself short of interesting things to do. From chucking stuff into campfires to smacking bushes, Mabinogi goes into great detail about everything. One thing that I have taken a shining to, though, is taking screenshots. Sure, Nexon/devCat doesn’t even tout it as one of Mabinogi’s “fun” features, and why would they? But the ability to manipulate the camera angle combined with the game’s great focus on detail makes for a wonderful situation for the pic-happy enthusiast.
Before I get into that, though, I’ll talk a little bit about some of my other experiences from playing Mabinogi. First off, my *humble* little character, Rift, was born last Sunday at ten years of age. (How his mom plopped him out at ten still baffles me.) He’s a scrawny, blond-haired, blue-eyed child. He specializes in sword-fighting, supplemented with an affinity for casting lightning spells.
Speaking of lightningbolt, learning that spell was definitely a pain. Having to pay for Lassar to lecture you all day gets rather repetitive. It doesn’t help that lightning is the last spell you learn from her, nor that you have clear Alby Dungeon (admittedly, a very simple task) to learn it. Which, I might add, was not a prerequisite for learning the ice and fire spells. All in all, though, the trouble was worth it. It’s rather enjoyable to fry your enemies from afar, plus, I might add, lightningbolt is easily the sexiest spell thus far. ;D
Anyway, on with my gallery of pics.
When rounding to the tenths place goes wrong.
A sign. I was experimenting with taking screens at different angles. It’s a shame all those words got caught there. Made it look gruesome. =/
My showdown with Duncan! Tales of a Lost World readers – you might wanna refer to this screeny when picturing the final scene of chapter 117. =O
*stabs self*
My brief stint as a paparazzo. Look, it’s Batsu! =O
This would be a great pic if not for the annoying announcement.
Me using lightningbolt. Took a few tries to get this right.
My solitary nighttime campfire drew some unwanted visitors.
More lightning.
*stabs self*
Brown foxes invade the sky.
Rice’s How Do You Pronounce Zat?!
I’ve noticed quite a few locales/terms in Mabinogi are extruciatingly difficult to pronounce. Here’s my take on them (and don’t even think for one moment they’re correct!):
1. Tir Chonaill – Ter Con-nail
2. Bangor – Banger. As in…yeah. ()
3. Sidhe Sneachta – Sid Snack-ta
4. Emain Macha – Ee-main Ma-cha
5. Bebhinn – Beb-bin
6. Endelyon – En-de-lee-un
7. Nao – lady with the big boobies.
That’s it! Happy Mabinogi-ing!
*cough* Buy the lightning bolt spell book in Dunbarton from Stewart *cough*
I learned Icebolt from hunting Black Wolves, other then that, I’ll be learning Healing and possibly the others so I can learn Ice Spear. I’M ADDING YOU!
What world are you in?
OMG you totally rock for playing this game!
You had better be on Tarlach server!
Sorry, but I couldn’t resist the smexy name of Ruairi.
Do you see that?! We’re already polluting the moon with our dead
AznRice, Tarlach is the best server because he’s actually an NPC.
XD And people slice themselves many times over while dancing with swords in Cabal.
Mabingoni looks pretty washed out though, the colours. ><
Sorry, you’re wrong, Rain.
Nope I’m pretty sure that Tarlach is the only survivor, unless the website is wrong and only plays in Tarlach.
Mabinogi looks. . . simple. As in the graphics. I’ll try it sometime.
You Tarlachers and your server pride. You’re almost as bad as those Berans.
Tarlachers. What a mouthful. XD
You Tarlachers and your server pride. You’re almost as bad as those Berans.
I can guess that you didn’t even do anything from the G1 quest thing. The link for NPCs at Sidhe Sneachta
Edit: And besides, how many times have you been Ruairi? Check my previous blog and view the third pic.
Lol, everyone’s talking about this game
and all of it has intrigued me to maybe start playing or take a shot at it!
~LaZzz. . .
You Tarlachers and your server pride. You’re almost as bad as those Berans.
I can guess that you didn’t even do anything from the G1 quest thing. The link for NPCs at Sidhe Sneachta
Edit: And besides, how many times have you been Ruairi? Check my previous blog and view the third pic.”
Since when was this about G1 storylines? I’m merely expressing which server is my favorite.
and all of it has intrigued me to maybe start playing or take a shot at it!
~LaZzz. . .”
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