All posts by windiachick

This love worth it? part 5

~Little Note~
I’m wondering if,after you read the story, can you leave a comment? I just wanna see if I need improve on writing skills. Thx ppl.
Part five

Changing into my casual clothing, I hurried over to the store to get Kitty a gift. Looking through the aisles, I finally found something for her. A whole new outfit for female bowmen would do. I paid the cashier and left. Every step to the diner was filled with thoughts in my head. Each moment seemed like hours. read more

Grad Poem

This is just a little something I wrote for my friends, since I’m graduating this year. BTW, my school system is: elementary school (K~7) and high school (8~12). Please feel free to comment and give suggestions on my poetry.

As I stroll down memory lane,
Though this past year,
I realize how lucky I am,
To have this great year.

The last year of elementary school,
When there was no strain for exams.
Just chillin’ back with my friends,
As the good times pass. read more

First Time

I thought it was fading,
I thought it was gone.
I never expected that to happen,
Yet I felt…it’s hard to describe.

Like that feeling when you first started to walk,
That rush…
I thought I’d never see the day,
When you spoke those words.

I didn’t know what to expect,
I wasn’t prepared.
You caught me be surprise,
Yet I was glad.

Maybe that’s what we’re waiting for
Our whole lives,
Is for that one special person,
To say it to you. (meaningfully) read more

Zakum Love Story Chpt.2

Chapter 2

Coming from Heneseys, Ranger and his sweetheart, Rosana, boarded the Orbis ship from Ellina. As they headed in the cabin, there was no one. Clearly everyone had received Stan’s email and stayed indoors. Since the ride was long, Rosana soon fell asleep.
Staring at Rosana’s peaceful face, Ranger realized that love, this thing called love, was strong, too strong for even Zakum to break. Rosana would walk right into Zakum’s many arms just to be with him. He felt very lucky to have someone like Rosana to be his soulmate. Soon enough, the ship stopped.
“Rosy…Rosy, wake up, we’re at Orbis,” Ranger said.
“Hmm? Okay, I’m awake.”
Ranger bought two Orbis tower scrolls and they both headed to El Nath. read more

Zakum Love Story Chpt.1


The four great leaders of each class, Grendel the Really Old, Dances with Balrog, Athena Pierce and the Dark Lord, had defeated a monster so powerful, that it would remain nameless. It was sealed away, in an ancient temple underground. Little did they know that one day, thousands of years later, he would awaken…

Chapter 1

One day, an archer woke up with a start. He just had the strangest dream; a vision, he concluded. As he slowly got dressed, he would know what the dream meant.
“Ranger, we just got an email,” his friend, Rosana said.
He knew what he had to do when he read the email: read more

Zakum Love Story chpt. 3

Chapter 3

Ranger was scared when he saw the massive gates of the ancient temple, but he felt reassured when he felt Rosana’s touch against his skin. She gave him the courage to pursue this destiny. Before heading inside, he said one thing to his love:
“Rosy, if I don’t survive, I want to tell you this: I love you.” He gave her one last kiss on the lips and opened the magnificent doors that held Zakum prisoner all these years. read more