Zakum Love Story Chpt.2

Chapter 2

Coming from Heneseys, Ranger and his sweetheart, Rosana, boarded the Orbis ship from Ellina. As they headed in the cabin, there was no one. Clearly everyone had received Stan’s email and stayed indoors. Since the ride was long, Rosana soon fell asleep.
Staring at Rosana’s peaceful face, Ranger realized that love, this thing called love, was strong, too strong for even Zakum to break. Rosana would walk right into Zakum’s many arms just to be with him. He felt very lucky to have someone like Rosana to be his soulmate. Soon enough, the ship stopped.
“Rosy…Rosy, wake up, we’re at Orbis,” Ranger said.
“Hmm? Okay, I’m awake.”
Ranger bought two Orbis tower scrolls and they both headed to El Nath.

Later that day…

“You are welcome to stay here for as long as you want,” the El Nath weapon shopkeeper said, “Be my guest.”
“Thank-you, sir,” Ranger replied politely.
“No problemo!”
“Sweetie, when are we going to fight Zakum?” Rosy asked.
“As soon as we train it up a bit,” Ranger, “I’m very close to the third job advancement.”
Suddenly, Ranger felt warm again. Rosy had just given him a massive bear hug. Now he knew what he lived for: Rosy.

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