—The Reason I called this blog Holiday Meltdown is becuase, when 1 Holiday passes you feel the next one coming and you count the days till then, Thanksgiving(ignored mostly), Halloween, I would put Christmas here but ill put December Holidays instead. Anyway this is a poem of some sort I wrote.—
The days pass by as hours, minutes and seconds tick away, We wait from September for till July to celebrate the days.
They bring us joy even for one day, You can’t be sad it’s all okay.
Thanking for what we have and only a month later we are walking down the walkway path. Yelling “Trick or Treat” ringing bells laughing at the people at the doors telling them to smell our feet.
Happily giggling and smiling along with our friends in our costumes of dreaded monsters, It’s sad but fun because you get candy when it ends.
You smile your happy soon you’ll recieve gifts from friends and family.
Sadly it ending but you countdown the days, when you get your gifts and go to broadway plays.
The days countdown till the first when you make promises on what you plan on doing, You do small rituals so your year isn’t ruined.
The Holidays pass onto the days of love, to find who notices you, and you give your crush a hug.
It’s that day the candy the girls and the sweets, In each others lips you share your treats.
Wait it out a couple of months and it’s July the day of freedom is neer, but mostly your happy to be out of your school and you have more time to hang out with your peers.
Then, till September you start all over and return to your studies, and make some new buddies, So you can count the days with them and repeat the cycle next year. read more