All posts by SwatSkillz

Betrayal of friends. Part 6. The Finale.

The last chapter, The finale.


I stood there shocked that my own friends were charging at me ready to kill me.
I gripped my EW and carefully whispered a spell.
Lightning had hit each one of them sending them flying back.

I didn’t know whether to kill or just injure them before I could go after Justin.
I only knew one thing, I would never survive this battle. read more

Betrayal of friends. Part 4

I am sorry to say but I have to end my story quickly.
Maybe about 3 more parts then I’m done.
I know my blog wasn’t all that great, so oh well.
Anyways, here is the next part.
This one will be short though, not as long as the others.

I lay there, paralyzed feeling myself drifting away. I suddenly floated out of my body and was watching my body on the floor with the arrow in my heart. I also saw all my friends yelling and screaming for me not to die. I feared though, that it was too late.
I even saw Diana there, crying a lot. I couldn’t believe that after I told her I liked her, I was going to die. How tragic I thought to myself. read more

Betrayal of friends. Part 3

Since I had extra time on my hands, I decided to write the next part.
The more support I get, the more I write.
Anyways, here is the next part.


I felt as if I was dieing. A bright light shone on the end of a deep tunnel.
I went closer to the light, but half way someone stopped me.
It was Diana. She kept telling me that I couldn’t leave yet, that my work in this world wasn’t finished. Then all of a sudden all my friends seemed to appear there too. All pushing me away from the light. I seemed to have been going farther and father away from the bight light, until finally… read more

Betrayal of friends. Part 1

The story begins at Victoria.
The character’s name is Swat ( yes I know, odd but that’s my IGN )
The story begins as he is making his 2nd job as a lit mage.
Anyways, here is the story.


It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and the birds chirping and flying about.
I was on my way to Ellinia from Henesys to go see the so called “King of all Mages”. read more