Rambling Muffins

Disclaimer: It’s a long rambly blog, with some bits of Maplestory at the end, so turn away now if you aren’t interested in swimming through 3K+ words. I’m not in the mood to deal with you.

FlyFF was fun, when I first started it. I remember Lamvao’s blogs about FlyFF, then even Indescane started playing. So I was like, what the hey, let’s try it.

It was indeed good, even if it confused me immensely initially. No KS-ing possible, no hackers, Shouts could be filtered out if you want, drop rates’ like someone cut a hole in FlyFF-Santa’s sack, cool skill levelling system, quests that actually give you good EXP…

When I finally got to use the ‘unique flying system’ that the game boasts of, it was merely an awesome bonus. The only sucky things about it were my constantly disappearing cursor, the lagdeath from Saintmorning’s marketplace, and the lousy chat system. (I like the buddylist on Maple better.)

Then V7 came about and I fell out of love with the game. Elementors got kind of screwed up by the new skill system and loads of quests got removed. What with the main computer’s wonky connection that refused to connect to FlyFF’s servers half the time, I threw a little hissy fit and decided to just abandon the game.

A few weeks, months pass. I made some sporadic logins here and there, to check out the events in-game after reading some blogs here and there on MMOtales. Then one day, I got bored enough to actually log in, and check out whatever quests that I had left.

Hmm. Collect 30 thingthings. Okay. I can do that.

And so the Silvar made it so.

Then Nez (aka nezinshadows) said he’d play FlyFF too, and so I jumped right back into FlyFF, completely neglecting Maplestory for it. I haven’t logged into Maple for the past week, and for me, that’s a record already. XD

At first, I just did 50% per day. I took it easy, chatting to Nez, sitting down to heal MP when my MP ran out, doing chores whilst the character took a break ontop of the board…

Then, starting my Friday, I began to the levelling spree.

Friday – level 36.5 to 37
I trained pretty much alone, spending half the time stalking Nez and emptying my inventory and storage into his characters.
There was this one time when Nez was leechin- I mean, training at Bangs/Nyangyangs when there was a cry of help from the silly Is-going-to-be-RM Rat. Seems like a gang of pros was gathering up all the Bangs and herding it towards him. When I got there, all I saw was a couple of pros dashing across the once-broken-but-now-fixed bridge with a whole –uh, gang of Bangs going after them.

Dude, that sounds so wrong no matter how you put it. Silly FlyFF names.

Saturday: level 37 to 39
Started out alone, hunting … erm. I forgot. Hardcore grinding does such strange things to your memory- Oh yeah, I was at Dumbbulls, hunting for Dumbrings.

Have I mentioned anything about silly FlyFF names?

Then I got the party invite that would change FlyFFing for me in a way that I could never imagine. I accepted it, not caring that I might get mommed any moment. (And strangely enough, the mother did not scream at me the entire day. o_o; )

The party leader, Ephox, packed the bunch of us off to Cardpuppets, level 41 monsters. Being level 37 and a pretty fragile Magician, I was a little unsure about throwing myself at monsters 4 levels above me. I tried that once, hunting level 35 Hobos while I was level 33, and I died so many times.

But I didn’t reckon with the Assists. ^^;

Enter CSUVI, the full INT Ringmaster-to-be with sexeh buffs. My HP shot up, of course, and it turned out that Cardpuppets weren’t that hard, after all. He even passed me loads of Refreshers after I ran out of them, totalling up to about 187 of them.

There was also Anonymousbob aka Bob, a Magician that dealt awesome damage, having loads more INT than STA… and also dying loads of times due to his low HP. He also has this strange ability to summon a fledging Assist out of nowhere, when the party ran out of buffs and Assists to invite. (‘I SUMMON YOU, LADYMEK, TO BUFF THEM!… plz.’)

We added random people here and there as the day wore on, mostly Assists since we kicked CSUVI after he AFKed for a really long time (he said he was going to be cooking, and I told him not to burn the kitchen down), and talked all sorts of funny stuff over the party chat. Someone started an ‘Introduce your geographical location’ thing, and we found that we got people from practically all over the world: Australia, America, Belgium, and of course Singapore for yours truly. It was loads of fun, and I amused myself and the rest of the party by spazzing out ever so often. (‘Lol, I’m on fire!’, referring to my fire-based skill. ‘Yeah, I’m like, an ARSONIST AT HEART!’ ‘Oh no, run!’)

We also took down the Giant Cardpuppet a couple of times. Nothing like hunting a giant waay above your level together with a party. ^^ I remember the first time I did something like that was on a Giant Nyangyang. Anyway, the spoils from the Giant Cardpuppet weren’t bad: the best thing I got from it was a Drain Shield +3, for level 42. ^^

The party went on for practically the entire day, and lived up to its Advanced Party name, EXPOperation: I levelled up twice with the party.

When I logged off, I think the party was at level 23. (Yes, even parties have level-ups, in FlyFF. At level 10, the party can be changed to an ‘Advanced Party’ and the leader even gets to name it. You’ll see, later.) Sadly, the number of people in the party had dwindled to three active members, and the way that FlyFF works is such that people who are offline for more than 5 minutes get kicked automatically. It was such a great party, that I was really sad to go.

I had also planned to return CSUVI the refreshers he gave me. I was like, ‘I am so going to DRAG you off to Saintmorning to buy you back all the Refreshers you gave me’, and he said, ‘What, are you planning to kidnap me?’, and I was all, ‘Like HELL I am. ^^’
But the computer crashed the moment I actually did drag him off to Saintmorning, (killed by the lag from all the personal shops there in the town) and when I logged back in, he was AFK. Again.

I figured I’ll never see these people online again, even though we had added each other to the messenger and stuff.

Sunday – No levelling

I spent the entire day trying to download FlyFF onto my laptop. I had been playing on the main computer, which exposes me to Momming, so I was trying to move my operations base to my sexeh laptop. (Yes, I am actually on my way to converting this contraption into my symbiote. Almost everything I need is here now!)

Damn, I think I must have tried at least TWELVE times. The download kept crashing, even after Nez recommended that I use a download manager for Mozilla. I ended up trying ONE last time even after I told everyone else that I gave up.

And thankfully, that one worked.

Monday – 39 to 40

I logged into FlyFF on my laptop for the first time, tentatively at first because I have heard about all the screen shaking that goes on when you run FlyFF on Vista. I did all the compatibility adjustments, and ran the program as administrator.

Boom! SilverFx spawns and cool, nothing happened.
And the game ran so much better on my laptop than on my main computer. The SFXs play so much smoother, and I could actually see my character run instead of taking large jerky steps.

I was greeted with an enthusiastic ‘hi!’ from CSUVI when I logged in. We chatted in the messenger, randomly going through conversation topics, while I went levelling at Totemias to hunt Kalins (that’s their drop) for the Office quests. Then CSUVI AFK-ed to take a nap, and I was alone for a bit.

Just then, Bob logged in as well. I hesitated saying hi to him, but it turns out that he was in the same area as I was too. We exchanged amazement at how we could still meet each other so randomly despite having different timezones, and he told me how our party on Saturday had gone up to level 30 before he passed out (I bet you would too, if you stayed up to 6am like he did.)

SilverFx: Are you hunting for Kalins?
Bob: Yeah.
SilverFx: I am hunting for Kalins too.
SilverFx: But the Kalins don’t seem to want to be hunted! >O!
Bob: I get that feeling too.
Bob: I only got 2…
SilverFx: Well, I’ve been hunting for the past hour and I only got 6.
Bob: Mine was for over two days.

Well, we partied up after some conversation, and then Bob went off to find Ephox when he logged in, and I called on CSUVI after he woke up. And voila, there was our original party from Saturday again! Cool, right?

And we all went to hunt for Kalins, and the Kalins continued to not want to be hunted.

Ephox: Yay, 14 Kalins!
Bob: You know something, Ephox? I don’t love you anymore.
SilverFx: Let’s cry together, Eph, for we are both unloved by Bob. (I have 14 too. ^^)
Ephox: (lol. Don’t tell him, okay?)
Bob: (I heard that.)
Bob: Silver, I don’t love you even more now.

SilverFx: Oh joy, 19 Kalins now.
Ephox: I still only have 16
Bob: (Quick, let’s jump her!)
Ephox: (Sure!)
SilverFx: (Oh, fun! Whispering! Could I join in too?)
Bob: (No.)
SilverFx: (Aww. T_T)
Ephox: (Hey, keep it quiet down there.)

Ephox: What shall we name the party?
SilverFx: KALINS!
“The party has changed its name to ‘ThaKalins’”

[after seeing some rounds of ‘You have received Anonymousbob from: Kalin’]
SilverFx: Let’s jump HIM now.
SilverFx: (You take the front, I’ll erm, take the Kalins.)
Bob: Oh no. *runs*
Ephox: *laughing myself silly*

But together, we did discover some… *drumrolls*

Secrets to Kalin Hunting!

Secret 1 – Party up with two people who have more Kalins than yourself! Then the game will work to balance whatever.

Evidence – Bob had only collected 2 in two days, but after partying with us, he got 6 in half an hour. And went on to get them continuously in the row, until he collected more than what Ephox had.

Credit – To Bob, of course. He did so gleefully rub that in.

Secret2 – Go after Aggros that attack party slackers!

Evidence- SilverFx was sitting there, resting. Two Aggro Totemias spawned right there and then before her and went after her. She got up, raaaaaan like crazy, and Bob intercepted one of them for her.

‘You have received Anonymousbob from: Kalin’

Secret3 – ‘Leaders are the asses that don’t get anything’

Evidence – Ephox was made the leader of the party by Bob after he joined us.

SilverFx: Five left to go!
Bob: I still need 11.
Ephox: I still only have 16.
Ephox: Now I know why you made me the leader!
Ephox: Leaders are the asses that don’t get anything!
Ephox: Now I must make someone else leader.
SilverFx: (after discovering that it is her that gets the leadership) That’s EVIL.
Ephox: heh
Bob: And it’s going to get passed on like something no one wants…

However, this secret was overturned shortly after my leader-hood. I killed this Totemia… and not only did it drop a Kalin, it also dropped an INTring+2. Just what I needed.
Ha. So leaders are the asses who don’t get anything, huh?

And while we were all teasing Bob for his ‘awesome’(ly low) HP, we started comparing our buffed HP respectively… and discovered that of all people, I had the most HP. It is 1.9k with CSUVI’s buffs, 2k+ with a good maxed Heap Up; it outstrips even Ephox’s, a (level 40? I’m not so sure) Merc’s, for some strange reason. o_O

Anyway. We all thought that I finished gathering all the Kalins needed first, out of the whole bunch of us, and we happily flew back to town to finish the quest-
– then I realised that I actually needed 35 Kalins, not 30. >>;

I corrected that stupid mistake with help from Bob, levelled up with the EXP from that quest, then the party disbanded after a bit, all off to do our own stuff.

Bob and I flew off to Darkon to talk to a quest NPC, (He flew, but I bumbled along until I found out how to follow someone while they’re flying) but found out that the next bit of the quest required us to fight lvl 53-54 monsters, which we both agreed were way out of our league. Shortly after, I logged off because there was nothing much left to do.

Tuesday – 40 to 41

I finally ventured into the Garden of Rhisis aka Death Island, and checked out the mobs there. I hunted at TombstoneBearers (aka ‘I carry a coffin on my back and smack people dead with it, oh irony’) until I got invited to a party there, and then continued to train and collected Tombmarbles for the next Office Quest.

Somehow, it seems to me to be the usual thing that happens in FlyFF: You train around in an area, you will get into a party, and you simply chitchat with the people in there and people actually give a decent conversation back. After a while, it’s like you have been training with these people for ages, and the rhythm of training is really comfortable, especially with the conversations going on.
The Assists do their job even without you asking them, (and if you did ask for buffs from them, they won’t flip you off or anything) and Assists outside your party actually randomly buff you as well.
When I run out of Refreshers, people actually trade me, dump in 99 Refreshers and just give it all to me.
More than half of the people I party with add me to their messenger without even me asking.

So much niceness, it’s unbelieveable. O_o
If only Maple could be like this… *wistful*

I plvled CSUVI’s mercenary for a bit after the hardcore training, but after discovering that I really wanted to level up before too long, I told him apologetically that I wanted to go solo. After that, I trained alone for a while, but then Nez logged in.

He was bored, and couldn’t find a party for his Assist, so I thought I could help if I plvled him. I don’t remember if I actually already levelled up then (I don’t think I had), but after a while, I had to go, and left the game.

Thereafter, Nez told me that he had grew bored with FlyFF and MSEA, and thusly would be returning to GMS. It’s sad, since it was his joining FlyFF that made the return-to-FlyFF bug bite me, but I guess Global would be glad to have him back.

Wednesday – 41 to 42
Trained at TombstoneBearers , with Anonymousbob and a few other random people. Chitchatted until Bob had to go, got described as ‘perky’ (o_O), was treated to depressing poetry by Knight-wannabe Lightzero, which was kinda appropriate seeing how we were training in a graveyard, after all, and p-levelled this other Knight’s Assist, FearMyPetMonkey, up two levels.

Meanwhile, Lightzero tried to pseudo-AOE, meaning he ran around, bonked several Captain TombstoneBearers on their heads, got them all following him like a dog follows a juicy bone, and then stood there to tank while FMPM healed him and I sniped at the mob from afar.
It was… iono, amusing to see all the giant coffins thump-thumping down at this tiny person.

Along the way, I got another INTring+2, and a Demol Earring +2. Happy stuff. ^^

Mr FMPM/lvl 6x Knight said he’d plvl me once I hit level 44.
I doubt he’d remember, but we’ll see.

And here’s the PWN.

FlyFF Notice Thingummy said: ”
[News] Updated Spamming Rules
Hello Flyff Community!
Currently spamming is out of control.
What is considered spamming?
More then 5 lines within 60 seconds.
However you wish to reach that 5 lines is up to you.
You can do 5 lines at once, and wait 60 seconds, or one line every 12 seconds, or 2 lines every 20 seconds, it doesn’t matter.
If anyone exceeds 5 lines in 60 seconds, it’s spam.
This includes Fullshouts as well.
Starting immediately, if we receive spamming reports, and you are caught spamming, you will be muted indefinitely. Should you open a shop or come in with another character to beg for your voice back, you will be banned for 3 days.
It may sound drastic, but until the day proper filters are built in, we will need to keep this under control.
Community Manager”

Now why can’t Maplestory have that?
Imagine all the megaphone spammers SHUTTING UP! !

But since FlyFF was having a server maintenance thing today, I went off to play some Maple. It was insane, everyone yelled at me for being away for so long (‘Si bei jiu never c u!’), and I had a happy time catching up with the guild and the BL.

Eona even did an impromptu mass guild recruiting cum guild gathering, and everyone online turned up. I even got a bit of ‘.
That ‘HokyFyra’ got her name misspelt, and she did complain a bit. But y’know, Hoky is such a cute nickname that I think everyone should start calling her that instead of ‘HolyFyra’.

Andandand. I finally saw Berry online!
It was nuts, because last Thursday, I was supposed to go meet him in game at 4, but when I logged in at 6pm after my FlyFFing spree, he wasn’t online. I only found out earlier today that on that Thursday, the cybercafé he played from had a power outage, and only recovered power at 7+.
Which was when I had logged off. >>;

The next few days, I was mostly on FlyFF, but when I logged in once or twice briefly into Maple to check if he was online, I never caught him. And when he logged on, I wasn’t on.
So it was basically this whole hide-and-seek thing that we played, and happily it ended today! I was so hyper (‘OMG! BERRRRRRRRY! OMGOMG!’), I’d laugh at myself too.

Then I went around to finish up the Vesak Day quests that had came out on Thursday.
In exchange for the ETC drops in the new Zipangu maps, the quest gives you 20K mesos, 5K EXP and this cool little bindi-like thing called ‘The Enlightenment Mark’. It’s a face accessory that gives you stats increase. I got a
MAtk +4 one on my mule, and a WAtk+4 one on Gastropoda (my Iizard).

The bad thing is that it only lasts for twenty-four hours.
And that those Zipangu maps are always so crowded, it’s hard to kill anything without being accused of KSing. (But I have been declared ‘weak’ and thus not a threat by a level 4x sin, so I guess I’m, erm, safe from that? -_-; )
And for SilverFx’s level, it is required that she gather the drops from the level 100+ monsters in the third and last map, to complete the quest. Imagine, those things do 1k-2k damage on high levelled pros; now imagine what they can do to a noobie lvl 71 Ranger. >>;

Oh well, it is so much better than nothing. It helped loads when I grinded up SilverFx’s way up to 55.57% later on that evening. ^^

Right. This blog was supposed to have a whole bunch more of funny FlyFF SSes and stuff. But what the stupidNOOB! Silver did was to just reformat her main computer, and forget to backup all the game screenshots.

Yes, even the Maple ones. T_T
(Haha, Silsil, j00 phail!)

Happily, most of the recent ones are in this laptop, and most of the ancient ones are backed up in my Gmail. But still there’s that in-between and a lot more recent ones that got wiped, from the times I played on the main computer instead of on my laptop. And this isn’t the first time I forgot about my Maplestory SSes and reformatted the computer.

I knew that there was something I forgot!! There always is.
I’m cursing at myself so badly even now, as I sit watching myself screw up my computer all over again and finishing up this blog as time passes. Sighs.

All in all, it’s been a pretty okay week FlyFF-wise, pretty funky day Maple-wise, but IRL things aren’t so fluffy, for one or two reasons in particular, and neither is it happy technology-wise.
(And my beloved Screenshots! D: )

So yeah. The general mood of teh Silvar is lousy lousylousy. Not at all perky.
But if I whinge any further, this blog is going to topple into the Realms of the Truly Long and Draggy, and since this is MMOtales, I’ll just stop at the in-game stuff.

Cookies for thee. *hands a half-empty jar over*
Sorry about that missing bit there, because I ate it. :/

15 thoughts on “Rambling Muffins”

  1. Uweeeh~ Things sound nicer in Mia than in Aibatt. The only reason people add you in Aibatt is so they can bother you for plvls/buffs/items. In parties, no one talks unless you’re already partnered with someone, then you pretty much only speak to them. There are hardly any literates. D:

    But at least I’m working on adding more Literati to my guild, haha. I need to stalk a few more MMOTers whose names I forget right now (sorry guys~) and add them too.

    (magically replenishes the cookies in your cookie jar)

  2. o_O

    Then Mia has better people than Aibatt. o_o.
    So far, most of my party people are literates and crack silly jokes as well/badly as I do, and the fact that we are all random strangers doesn’t seem to affect anything.

  3. Dang. Too long. Must resist to not read. . . T.T
    EDIT: I read it fast.


    lol Flyff sounds like the perfect game for me! Is there any Bluelyphoolys?

    wow I’m amazed that this all flowed together
    incredible blog!

    ~LaZzz. . .(muffins? Is there any muffins? T.T)

  5. Hoo boy! I read the whole thing. ^^

    Hmm… I might have to download FlyFF again sometime in the next few days… Perhaps make me a mage in Mia with you gentlemen. 8D

  6. I just downloaded flyff today. I plan to write a blog once i hit the lvl 15ness . seems like you had some adventures though, which server do you play in(open to anyone who might be interested in talking to someone in flyff)?

  7. -_-
    Here, I must ask if you have read my blog. XD *pokes*

    It’s SilverFx.

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