All posts by Shoden

ROFL owned

me and my friend Kyasuke (as his dagger theif) were on the way to Orbis to do Chief Stan’s letter quest. So we busted 5k each on a ticket, he told me about those balrogs and then told me to get inside or die. We both went into the boat then into the passenger thing below it. The balrogs saw us and we got back in. Kyasuke said “I wonder how long I’ll last” then I said “2 seconds.” he was about to go but then he said “nah, it’s safe there, man” he comes in a second later and I see 2000+ health taken off, since he was lv 13 he got owned, pissing myself laughing as he floated as a ghost and whining I stayed in the boat, landed at Orbis then told me that I’d have to face Dark Golems in the Omega sector, having a few 2nd thoughts I clicked my “return to Ellenia” scroll ONLY TO SEE IT DIDN’T WORK! who can I blame? I’m atheist so god and any religious figure is out of the question, and blaming the programmers is cliche. Still fricking hillarious though. Oh and poor Kyasuke spent another 5k to get another ticket and it got stolen. So we both got our asses owned. Karma perhaps? read more


Do any of you find it boring to grind and grind endlessly? Well i sure damn do, the only time’s I’m on Maple is when my friend Kyasuke is on leveling with me. It’s boring when no friends are online, I barely have any friends all in all.
Anyone agree on this?

I’ve played Runescape, got to lv 60 then got bored from over grinding, since then my views on grinding have been turned upside down. Slightly, I’ve always found grinding a bit boring, casual leveling and having fun training with friends is the way to go for me. read more