All posts by sammyboy777

Maple Warning Maple is

Ending! Maple korea is phailing meaning the other games will phail with it! Omg.. here’s the message

Dear Maplers
ºººººººº ºººº ºººººººº ºººººº ºººººººººººº ºººº ºººº
ºººººº ºººººº ºººººººººº ºººººº ºº ºººº ºººº ºººº
ºººº ºººº ºººººº ºººººººº
ºººº ºººººººººººººººº ºººººº ºººº?
ºººººººº ºººººº ºº!
ºººººººº ºººººººººº ºººººººº read more

A hidden Secert~Ch 1

Mmmkay.. since no one liked the prolouge I guess we should just skip to the chapter one >.>

Recap~(I’ll do this every new chapter just in case you dind’t get caught up witth some stuff)
“Stop with the act,I want to request a spar.”
Her eyes looked a bit more serious and her smile was slowly eclisping to her bitter self.
“You wont beat me,I’m 2x stronger than you” She smiled innoncently,with a sweet tone but it was clear she was warning him.
“Oh? Then let’s try that shall we?”
“Guess I have no choice..” Her eyes turned from a light green to a dark blue,and it looked like she was being possesed by a force unknwon to Dash.
This will be fun.. Dash smirked,but he had no idea what was in front of him. read more

A Hidden Secert ~Prolougums~

Mmkay guys I’m back.. well I was always here I just have a lazy problem .. thingy So today was a great day.. I did my project and it was a big hit.. with my l337 movie I probably got around the high B’s (maybe A-!) Soo while reading some blogs i just got a random idea.. then it turned into a bigger idea.. so here I am posting!~As for the title.. I have NO idea. read more

The Ultimate Job Party(3)

So this is the end of the series O_o if you haven’t read the first 2 chapters I would advise you too >.

IceMage: Soo guys I guess since this is our last chapter we should do something a bit more exciting for the audience!
Firemage: Oh I know what you mean..~takes out red whip~
Cleric: NO. Not that way,plus the last time you did that bandit here was knocked out cold..
Bandit: Oh God NO! NOT THAT AGAIN! Find a happy place.. find a happy place.. im happy… *idiot blaber continues*
Hunter: So Icemage what should we do? I mean everyone here already killed all of spearman’s pets..
Crossbow: So Icemage what should we do? I mean everyone here already killed all of spearman’s pets..
CrossBow:We dont you copy us..
Group: Did he just not copy Bowman for a second?!
Sin: Urgh im living with idiots..
Crusador: Yea idiots!
Cleric: Hmm you sure are smart..
*Flash back*
Crusador: Mmkay cleric you heal,cracked spearman you sit back there and play with ur friends-me,myself and I.
Spearman: Yes mam! Come along myself and me!
Cleric: Dont you want hyper body?
Crusador: are you kidding me? He used it once and now he’s cracked up and he thinks the wall is smiling at him
Spearman: Hey dont speak that way to wally! Wally tell our friend here that your a very real and intellegent being
Wall: ….
Spearman: SEE!
Cleric: *Shudders* never mind..
*crusador jumps down*
*Slash N’ dies*
End flash back.
Crusador: I guess a lvl 71 cant kill it yet..
Hunter: Soo ice mage what was the big event?
Crossbowman: Soo ice mage what was the big event?
Hunter: I just give up now..
Crossbowman: I just give up now..
Icemage: Well i thought we could go hunt some monsters.. like balrog..
Bandit: In my happy place.. in my happy place..
Sin: *shows naked picture of MasterCheeze*
Bandit: Oh hi guys I’m back!
Spearman: What just happened there O_o?
Sin: Simple really,since 2 ugly things cancel each other out,bandit has returned back to his stupid state..
Cleric: I have this summoning bag from Gachapon this way we dont have to hunt..
White Knight: But.. I think it would be better to hunt-
Firemage: What is that draft.. sheesh
Whiteknight: Why must this always happen when i talk..
Icemage: It’s nothing go summon it..
Cleric: Here it goes!*summons
*Super nub comes out*
Group:… snap.
Spearman: CAN I KEEP IT?!
Crossbowman: NO! START SHOOTING!
Whiteknight: I told you it was a bad idea..
WhiteKnight: I feel so ignored..~emo tear~
Icemag: Hurry guys its about to use its super attack,kill it before it charges up!
Mega Noob: *Spams* MESO PLOX@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Bandit: ARGH! The laaaaaaaag IIII cannnnt moooooveee *freezes*
Sin: Sucka I have rogers highspeed!
Rogers: Important news,due a reason which cannot be explained and will have no reason what-soever were here to tell you rogers will be running 2x more slower.*hypnotize*
Sin: NOOOOooooooo*dcs*
Spearman: Hai! Will you be my friend? I got lots of great friends.. Meet wally,me,myself and I!
Supernoob: *Looks at mesos beside spearman*MESSSOOOO
Spearman: SUPPERRR NOOB*dramatic music plays as each other runs to each other*
*Super noob squashes spearman and picks up mesos*
Icemage: We have to do something!!
Crushador: What should we do?!
Firemage: Mannicure? Maybe a mud bath will help this giant calm down..
Cleric: Oh shut up.. were about 2 minutes from death what do we do?!
Whiteknight: I have a idea..
Icemage: Damn drafts ..
Whiteknight: You know.. I’m just gonna leave..
Crusador: I have an idea..
5 min later~
Icemage: Great idea hanging the mesos on spearman’s back.
Hunter: Yea,were alive cuz of that
Crossbowman: Yea were alive cuz of that.
Cleric: Hmm I guess we should go hunting now..
*steps out of door*
*sees hundreds of noobs around house*
Bandit: ~hyper ventalates~
*Too violent to show*
Crusador: Guess not.. read more

The Ultimate Job Party(2)

Icemage: Mmkay soo..guys.. another update came we got cargos as pets!!!!
Bandit: Pft what we need is to have less noob sins like this guy here..
Sin: Shut up “l337 haxor” your gonna get banned by a lvl 8 noob one day
Spearman: Oh guys!!!!!!!!!Everything is soo special..
Crusador: Must he be on Hyper body again? Remember the last time..
Flash Back*
Spearman: I FEEL HAPPY!(smashes things) read more

The Ultimate… Job Party

Hellwo its me.. samomo :O well before i sleep i just have to post this blog.. its been stuck for like a day now..

In the lands of Maple.. where the food has no fat,where noobs rule and where men in real life pretend to be girls,lives a party of all the jobs in maple.. who has a huge problem..

Ice Mage: Mmmkay guys I have gathered you all today for a special announcment,since operation “Team Noob” was A hit Wizet has thought of actually doing something this time! We should had thought of getting the noobs to spam Wizet.. Rumours are Wizet crashed.. read more

Samomo meets RL.

Day 1,2006
Dear dairy,as maple story has ended and all the potions(milk) in my storage has been drained including my expensive 500 dollars pizzia. I now must attempt a trip to the real world. Please wish me luck dairy as it is my first time outside maple story .. I’m already scared,please be with me!First step.. the ground seems hard unlike maple story,why is everything so flat? And why is there so much people outside?!As I walk by to the street,getting used the strange people,why did everyone wear noob clothes? As I went to the corner I see… a sign but its not normal.. I keep pointing my finger to it and I dont get teleported! I see little noobs laugh at me,they would not stop so I HAD TO.. “FIRE ARROW!” I screamed out.. OMG NO WONDER! THIS IS MAPLE ISLAND MY POWERS!!!! I see them laughing but I ignore them,since My arrow could pwn them anyday. I go to this shop named “Wal-mart” was there some sort of wall in the market? To my surprise it was ch 1 since many people shopped there,in one quick and slicked motion i grabbed my milk potions,pizzia (theres a new product named pizzia pocket!Maybe it’ll fit in my pocket as i hunt down slimes) and went to the cashier, “That would be 5$” said the cashie. SO CHEAP! I quickly take out my coins and put it down on the table “Sorry sir we do not accept (looks closly) Mesos…”
“What? You must be joking! I HAVE 1 MILLION DOLLARS YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT!” I responded as half of the “Noobs” looked at me with what seemed like a f6 face… I finially jack a kid’s 5 dollars,giving him 2000 mesos.
At the street I see a Noob(hobo) or some sort of person asking for money.. what is money? I go to him and say “Storage plox” as I handed all my food too him
He said thank you without receiving any money.. how nice.. I see the real world aint that bad… I may go get a job and help them kill Snails … hopfully ill be off this island soon.. read more

Samomo Gets a Husband and a Life

Hey guys.. guess what? I’m a habitant Wife! Ye I’m a guy.. anyways basicually we had history class and we were drawing out tickets for like jobs.. hunter,business man w/e from new France. Guess what? I got habitant wife.. oh boy I have to dress as one too oh btw im married to a guy … thats a girl O_o. Soo anyways I was supposed to be with Joe who was the husband so i was like thinking “What the fudge how do we even make babie?! I dont remember ghey marriage back then!” Thankfully Georgie ( a girl who was a husband) told me to be in her group .. heres out skit well sorta.. read more

Centipedes,dads,and Samomo

Hey guys.. well first of all i would like to talk about my dad. Nice dad really the fun loving dad…But aprently he thought I was playing too much Flyff and told me to turn it on. I was in the dungeon with mutant nyrrangs @.@ so i coulden’t turn it off.. he thought i was ignoring him and boom. He plugs out the power switch and then I was like “WHAT THE FUDGE A BLACK OUT AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!” Hmm.. dindt out long to realise that it was only the comp.. Oh so heres where it gets evil.. Since my dad plugged my comp.. I was plotting revenge for the last half an hour. So i went on his email acc and deleted half of his emails @.@ he got mad >:O but he knew if he dindt plug back that damn switch he would lose the rest of his emails…Oh I forgot to mention.. at first he was laughing thinking i was lying untill he saw me actually delete them.. HE WENT BESERK(he needs those emails) anyways After i heard his lecture i said “Oh dont leave your cellaphone here you wont know where it’ll end up tommrow” .. HE WAS SCARED >:O anyways my mom helped me so he couldent do anything. read more