All posts by sammyboy777

Life of a Christmas tree~

Guys, I need to hand a chisrtmas project.. so can u read mine over T.T and check for errors and tell me what i need to add more or stuff… lol or flame me w/e
Ever Green Tree~

Each year,a special day comes at Dececmber for everyone in this
world,to celebrate the birth of God,to show hospitality to people,
to even just having fun,and what better way to symbolize
it then to have a beautiful tree in your house? read more

Voices Unhead~Chap2

Yea this is the fight part.. Enjoy~HELP ME REACH FRONT PAGE,SUPPORT THE CAUSE,CLICK DA BUTTONPic 1) the attack that Anna shot out-pic 2) the atk that Sam shot out Pic 3) the character thats coming in next chap


Anna: We gotta jet they keep coming in by the hundreds lets run deeper in the map-I need to tell you something anyways
Me: KK lead the way! read more

Funny/random quotes-read if bored

i was bored.some of these were rl experences

Welcome to the internet where boys are boys.. girls are boys.. and the little girls are FBI agents

Plyer 1: i have no friends im such a loner
Pro: my friends pwn u-me myself and I
plyer 2: im your friend

Boy: my mom’s a docter
Boy2: my mom’s a surgen
Boy3: my mom ownz u all -lvl 89 ice mage
~silence between the other 2 boys~ read more