All posts by roshandark

debate:topic battle.runescape vs maple.

runescape vs maple.
no,they aren’t going go bish bam boom ad ms/rs goes down!
this blog is for,what you,the people think.
comment on what you think is better,and why.
the pros and cons which heavier weigh down the other in some sort of imaginary balance.
in my opinion,hm,shouldn’t say opinion first.
list pros and cons,yeah.

you learn money trade.the currency:gp.
fun!yeah,the quests have a real story behind it,and interseting.
the gameplay,choosing to be a pure warrior,pure wizie,pure archer,or mix up of all,or pro guy with all the above stats.
the skills;wc,mining,etc.
the humour:
“are you crazyyyy?what,you think this world is run by people using boxes and these animals you call “mouses” to control us?pure nutcase.”
the interesting graphics:whizz around.3dee!(does have a con)
you can’t be ksed!
one thing everyone who doesn’t actually look at the game,but at how it looks.
like someone would say “what rs scks graphics sck.”
the grapics,you do tend to lag a lot.
and sometimes,you would sign out,without wanting to.
most probably due to graphics,and you lag out.
but you can also auto log out,because you leave your persona at one place.for too long.
i have no idea why.
it also gets boring,right?
not really,for the n00bs it does who don’t bother.
but,some parts,the boredom factor certainly rises. read more

why you should never ever try maple.

here are my reasons why to never ever try maple without any friend actually helping you. you are as a n00b in maple island.of course,here are many many n00bs.
your friend might be sitting next to you all breeze you through all the quests and monster a55 kicking.
but you don'[t have anyone helping you.
you die easily from a giant cute mushroom jumping on you like you are a bag of marshmallows.
of course,the animations are cute.
and you don’t mind dieing. you are in the mainland.
you see loads of people say S>whatever lame stuff.
you don’t know what is that.
you ask.
they won’t reply.
3.when you train as n00b.
the older lvl people will ks you.
4.the quests are frrrrrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaaakiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggggggg LAME!
jump jump jump.slash slash slash.
no use of common sense.
rs is have to use your BRAIN.
i actually got better grades thru rs.maple decreases your chance of grades.
5.after awhile,it will dawn on your worthless brain that all that is to maple is cute animations,the ability to jump,and slash slash slash.
if you don’t have any friends that play are…um.going to be going AHHHHHHHHHHH.
and to top it all of.
you LAG.
here you are finally trying to kill this monster you have been training to fight.
your level is high.
exp cannot be lost.
if you do,you will spend a long time gaining it back.
then when you are about to kill it,BAM.
you freeze like a bunny rabbit in the trap,while a bear eats you up.
and,,byebye exp.
time wasted again.
and,this is also a game mostly for the chi/jap/kor people.
no american dude is gonna come here and see and say what is liao?what is diao?what is whatever hokkien whatever.
and enough said.
i have homework to do. not flaming maple,im just showing reasons WHY not to play it.
bb.(: read more