I’m trying to make funny stories, to bump up my status. I’ll leave my other stories for now, and continue them later
but enjoy. (this might suck… just to warn you)
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It started as a happy day with the sun shining and smiling and wearing sun glasses and other childish stuffs. :D. Kochi the slime ran out of the hay, leaving his family sleeping. Loki and Henta, Kochi’s younger siblings ran out with him.
“Where are the rest of my brothers and sisters?” asked Kochi.
“Oh theyre going out-” Loki was interrupted. Suddenly a warrior with a large polarm came towards their home. 1 of Kochis other 38989 siblings said,
“Wth!? Man, why da hell you scrool your polearm? You suxzorz so bad yo. Its ghetto.”
The warrior got soooooo angry he put an f5 face on and he poked the slime. It exploded on his face. But since the warrior was using f5, his mouth was open and the squishy liquid went into his mouth.
Kochi, Loki and Henta saw the warrior sitting on the air. The warrior was groaning, it was like, so scary though.
Loki used f6.
“omg, liek that guy sounds liek, iuno he sounds like, Simon Cowell when hes constipated! Yeah..” Henta said.
Loki said,”OMG Henta you are sooo right!!1!1″
And then the warrior exploded and noxious gases flew out of him. The rest of Kochis family died of poisoning.
An orange mush ran out of the tree.
“OH MY GAWDZ!!! ARE WE IN WAR?!?!?!?! W8 I HAVE TO GET READY!111!! BRB!” The orange mush said.
Then the orange mush came out looking like a man from the military, except he had a orange mush head. With a gas mask, the orange mush started walking into the restricted area.
*Kochi, Henta and Loki sees 738083 dmg above the orange mushes head*
A tombstone almost fell on to the mush, but it discintegrated when it reached the gas. As for the orange mush, even his soul melted. read more