Bloodlust ~ Chp 3, pt 1

I haven’t been writing for a while. But I can assure you, the next few parts will be page-turning, and captivating. THERE WILL BE A SURPRISING TWIST OMG!

~ Bloodlust, Chapter 3, In the Depths of Love, Part 1 ~

*~* Angels View *~*

Its been days since I’ve last seen him

Will he come back?…

We had run away from the MSP at town 2 days ago, but Nocticus was caught. It was 2 days since I’ve last seen him…

Is he dead?…

I dared not to think of it, but at times my mind would wander off into the thought.
The moon was up high, dancing with the stars in the midnight sky. Alicia was shaking in the bed beside mine. She hadn’t been talking much at all in our journeys.
“Alicia, whats wrong?” I asked,about to lay down into the bed. She apparently didn’t hear me because she was fiddling with her communicator. She pressed the buttons, drone-like, repetitively trying to contact her friend.
“Alicia?” I once again asked, impatiently waiting for an answer. She turned to me. She appeared as if someone had done something devastatingly horrible to her. Possibly, she’s sad because Nocticus was taken in by the MSP…
But she seemed lifeless, just, out of this world. But she did listen.
“Bobby isn’t answering me anymore,” she lately replied, “We talk every few days, but he hasn’t answered anything since the El Nath dance.”
She deeply exhaled and put her head down on the bed. Alicia shed a tear and it landed on the floor. It almost hit her communicator.
“Oh… I see, well I’m sure Bobby is just doing some important business elsewhere. I’m sure you have nothing to worry about!” I consolingly said, thinking about Nocticus.
She didn’t hear what I said. She was too focused on what was happening. Shes probably dying inside, like me.
Alicia picked up her communicator.
“Bobby!?” she squealed. I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the communicator.
“Alicia… heh..” the voice uncaringly said.
“What?” Alicia cried. Bobby turned his communicator off. And Alicia covered her face in a pillow, crying.
I was helpless, I didn’t know how to help her, or cheer her up. I saw Kayla (Btw its pronounced khai-la) enter the room in sympathy. Vincent was still watching T.V, eager to learn more news on what was happening to Nocticus.
I tried to stay up, to help Ali, but I had accidentally slept.

The next morning I heard the awkward squawking of pepe’s, awakening from their slumber, as well as I. I rubbed my eyes to clear my view. I got out of bed, put on my clothes, and decided to walk. I diligently walked on the snow, hearing crunching sounds evertime I took a step. I saw a bench ahead to sit on. I reached the bench and sat down. I started to wonder what happened to Nocticus. I saw a white puffy cloud fly across my sight. I imagined the shape of Nocticus’s head. I looked down on the floor.

What could have happened to him?…

Why didn’t I save him?…

Why couldn’t I just!-

I felt a hand pat my shoulder. I jumped, startled. But then I looked back, and found out Kayla was behind me.
She was magestically looking forward, to the high hilltops and mountains, which were layered with snow. She sat beside me and we struck a conversation.
“Angel… I know you miss him, but… we have to move on.” she said, covered in a shower of sadness. I was shocked at what she just said.

“Move on”


I’ll never love anyone, the same way I’ve loved Nocticus…

I won’t live without him…

I felt his arms wrapped tightly around me, thinking about what I said in my mind.

I wish we could be in a harmonious place. So we could be happy…

I looked up and saw Nocticus’s face smiling at me.

It’s ok… You’ll be fine without me

I saw Kayla looking at me, with confidence that I would change. But I never would. I turned away from her. By my actions, she already knew my response.
“Alright… I’m sorry about bringing up the subject.” she apologetically said, with all her confidence drained. She walked back to her house. I started to think again, about … him…

It was soon that I burst into tears thinking about him. I felt a muscular hand caress my neck and shoulder.


I looked back and was terrified. A man, wielding a dark scarab, and junky clothes stood behind me. I ran further away from him. But he kept following me.
“Wh-..Who are you!?” I asked, frightened by the look on his face.”Tell me now!” I demanded. He approached me with a calm face on.
“Its ok baby you don’t need him anymore… All you need is me.” he said, exploiting my mind.
That voice seemed so familiar, but why? I’ve never seen him before. Have I? I started wishing Nocticus would save me from this madman. But he couldn’t.
Suddenly I remembered last night when I was talking to Alicia. I started to think more. I wanted to dig up all the info on this guy…
I invisioned Alicia talking in her communicator, hearing voices, and blurrs…

“Alicia… heh..


“Bobby! I know who you are! Get away from me!” I shouted, crawling back away from him.
“You remember my name? Oh how sweet!” he said in an irritating voice. “I guess we are a destined couple!”

Destined couple…

Me and Nocticus…

“Never! I’m never going to like you! Even if Nocticus… d-” I couldn’t say the word… It was too … unbearable.
“Died? Heh you know, its inevitable, he is going to die.” he said firmly. “It’s pathetic you still have hope in him.”
I created a holy arrow and bow and aimed. I shot, but I missed. He was too quick.
I shot again, but this time he ran closer. He grabbed me. And seized my arms, so I could not formulate another arrow.



He pressed his lips against mine.
I tried to escape but I couldn’t… He was too strong, for a little wizard like me… He hugged me hard and kept kissing me. I struggled to get away from his grip. But I was powerless.
Noises of falling rocks began to get closer. I thought it was a person. I managed to get away from his kisses of death for a few seconds.
“Help!” I cried. “Help me!”
I heard the sounds coming closer. Bobby was still kissing me. Then, I saw a girl shocked at the sight.
A girl, who had always loved the man who was kissing me.
A girl who had a close relationship with this man.
A girl… who was Alicia.

Her eyes flared in anger as she kept looking at us. Bobby still didn’t notice.
“BOBBY! HOW COULD YOU!??!” she shouted in such a tone that gave me shivers. He finally noticed.
“Oh its you,” he carelessly said. “You’re a pathetic little child. You think I actually loved you?” He started laughing, loosening his grip on me. Until he let go. I fell on a soft cushiony floor of snow. Alicia was red, crying. Her feelings were a mix, of anger, and sadness.
“See how pathetic you are? I manipulated you all this time, and you didn’t notice anything, not even the slightest bit.” he ruthlessly said. “I would never love anyone as pathetic as you! You don’t even deserve to live. You don’t even deserve to breathe the world’s air!”
He grabbed a sharp, metal with spikes around it from a small pouch.
“How… could you be so cruel?” Alicia asked looking at what he was taking out of his pouch.
“This is so priceless,” he laughed, “Do you remember all the times I’ve asked you for so many things? The times I pleaded for money I didn’t need, for items I didn’t want. Didn’t it ever cross your mind that I asked for too many things? That I was using you for my own pleasure?”
He started laughing more. Then he pointed at me.
She is who I want. She has a strikingly beautiful appearance. She has all that I want! You’re uncomparable to her!” he explained. Alicia exploded with anger and her fiery self opened up.
“Heh, you are soo gullible. It’s appalling. The only reason I ditched you, is because of her,” he laughed and again pointed at me, trying to direct her anger to me. She gave a look at me, it said all. I knew she was going to try to kill me. I just crept back, until I reached the edge of the mountain.
“You…” Alicia heartlessly said, “You messed up my life. You are the cause of all problems!” She created a fire arrow, that blazed with all her anger. I looked back on what she said. It was true… If Nocticus had never met me,
he wouldn’t have been in so much trouble… I started to have doubts that he loved me. And I started to cry.
“Your life ends here.” she said with no feelings, just blankness.

She fired her arrow.

“Heh..” Bobby grinned. Suddenly he grabbed the arrow and redirected it back to Alicia. He also threw an Ilbi right under the arrow’s shadow.
The arrow pinned Alicia to the wall of rocks, and the Ilbi, literally crushed her heart.
“I killed you, with the Ilbis you bought for me.” The site was gruesome. I could have thrown up. I started crying and crying.

How could he be so cruel to her!?

How could he not have any guilt!?

I stopped crying, and hoped Alicia was happier in another world. I looked at her face, and one final tear drop fell from her eye, to the ground.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

OMG ALICIA DIED!? Well, she was useless anyways *sounds like evil bobby*. She didn’t have any good parts either, so I just took her away from the story.
If you read this, you should read the next few chapters, because they will be filled with more of what you want in stories!
Next stories coming soon! 😀