Doofus, Nice name :D

You know doofus? The guy who sells pet food? How could his parents be so cruel to him!? Giving him such a name.
But seriously, why do you think Wizet made that his name? Was it for fun? Some kind of joke?…… HAHAHAH DOOFUS!
uhm… sorry..

Ok heres an imaginary situation I made up from the movie “Meet the Fockers” I think lol.

Ok, so my name is doofus, I work in a hospital as a nurse.
*Some random guy comes* “HAHAHAHAHAHA A NURSE!!!!LOLOLOL”
*sigh* Another grueling day at work. I hear patients in pain, as usual, but I heard a cry for help! I ran to the sound and pushed aside the curtains. And a large man with a moustache looked at me.
“I’m sorry sir, I’m only a nurse” I replied.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A MAN NURSE HAHAHA!*hic*” he glanced at his wife, grieving in pain.”Hunny?*hic* What we call man-nurses in italian*hic*?”
The clerk walked through, and I asked her to get another doctor to help me.
“Sorry, all the doctors are busy.” she told me,”You’re gonna have to give birth to that child”
The wife, still moaning started to feel the baby come out. After a few minutes the baby somehow popped out, and he was as healthy as can be.
“Wah! Thank you so much man nurse! We should name the child after you! It’s our family tradition!!!!!!!*hic*”
The man and wife looked at my name, and then they fainted.

LOL, ok that I thought, was the funniest thing EVA! I’m open for opinions on how you think doofus got his name :D.

6 thoughts on “Doofus, Nice name :D”

  1. maybe he changed his name,
    i once heard of a man who legally changed his name to “Jesus Christ” o.O

    gujju ♥

  2. Jesus Christ? LMAO! Thats like, Rating yourself WAY above others? “Hello, I am Jesus Christ”

    Hello, What would you like to change you’re name to, And he Exclaims “Jesus Christ, “

  3. Actually, Jesus is quite a common name in the Spanish-speaking countries (I may be wrong, but that’s what I heard. >.>) and I think there was some statistic about approximately two hundred people in the USA today being called Jesus Christ.

    Feel free to correct me.

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