All posts by Oblivion

Words of a Hacker-CH1-

“This time you’re dead Hacker!” A voice shouted.

I slowly opened my eyes as I awoke from my sleep. I turned and saw giant mob surrounding the tree I was sleeping against. They were all Bowmen from Henesys. Each and every one of them strung an arrow onto their bows.

I slowly got up. I patted the grass out of my Dark Anakamoon and turned to the mob. read more


As of now this series will be discontinued due to technical difficulties.

Ok. It’s just I feel like being mroe spontaneous in my writing and all the planning I took just wiped the fun away.
I’m sorry to those who wanted to be in my story. Anyway Chapter 1 of my new series will be coming soon.

Just to make this maple-related my bandsin finally reached 2nd job. So proud of it=D. read more

Half-Blood: Chapter 01

I stared at my left arm. A long, dark, black scar was still left from when Leon had sliced open my arm. Smaller red scar were covering my arm. I quickly tied my left arm with a roll of white bandages. The bandages helped cover my strange scars. I made sure the clear orb was still around my neck. Anger, pain, urge. These were the only ways I could release the energy within me. I could change back sometimes but if I couldn’t control it one firm grasp on the clear orb around my neck would change me back. . I found out the clear orb was called the “Helix”. read more

Blitz& Me Book2:Half-Blood(prologue)

Drops of rain splashed on the window. A bolt of lightning streaked across the gray sky. Thunder boomed through the walls of my room. I slowly got out of bed. Today was my 10th Birthday. I stared at my hands.

Inside I was bursting with joy. I couldn’t believe that I had already mastered all the mage classes and even “Point Zero” which let me use magic without the use of a wand or staff. My parents couldn’t believe it either, especially my mom, Helen. She was the daughter of Grendel one of the Four Great. My dad, David, was proud and often joked around with my mom that I had mastered all my skills while when she was my mage had barely managed her 1st job skills. My mom would usually point out that he hadn’t even started his 1st job skills when he was 10. Then they would both start laughing. read more

Best Guild In Bera![Click here for info]

I am here today to show you the oldest living guild in Bera. It is the Guidless Guild!
NOTE: The Guildless Guild is not to be confused with the guild named “Guidless”.

Why this guild is awsome-tastic:
1)Our guildname is totally invisible. It MAY seem your guildless but you are actually part of the Guildless Guild. I mean who doesn’t want to join a guild that has an emblem that is totally invisible to the naked eye(even the electronic eye)? You may ask how we did it. But we will tell you at the end. read more

Blitz & Me (chapter 41)

Ok. Before I begin my story I would like to show you my thanksgiving break happenings during my thanksgiving break(whch lasted wed-fri)
SS#1: Ok This happened Wednesday I think. ANyway me and a couple of friends playe dtruth or dare. It was so fun xD. I have mroe SS but I would get banned for them so all you need to know is that it was fun.

SS#2: I found a Perma Beginner on my Warrior. It was cool. ANyway now my warrior is level 11. read more


We have alot of famous people in MMOtales. But there are mainly two I want to talk about:

2)fpooned(a.k.a. The Ninja)


Ok. Each of thse blogs wre wrote by one of them. Now imagine they were ritten by someone else, someone not famous, someone kind of like….me!=D
Ok now read the blogs again.
Now answer truthfully.
“Would you click the ‘I like it Button’?”
You probably wouldn’t. But why would you press it when it was written by someone famous? Why would me or someone else not famous writing it make any diffrence? Yet you find alot of random blogs by both and see they have like 2x ” I likes”.
Doesn’t it seem a little unfair? fpooned or Waffle can probably make a blog about killing a snail and get at least enough “I Likes” to make the front page. But if I wrote something like that I’d probably get people telling me the blog is pointless or telling me it’s spam.
I think people should just press ” I like It” f they truely like it and not just because it was by someone famous.
Ok that’s all I want to say… read more

Thanksgiving Irony.

Hello fellow Maplers/MMOtalers. I ahven’t posted in a while so I decided to make a blog on something I noticed.
As you all of you probably know (unless your MS doesn’t work. Then “haha! loser” Just Kidding.) there is a Thanksgiving quest going on. You collest letters and win NX cash.
[insert dramatic music here]
Have you noticed that the letters “M” and “S” are sold for riduculus(sp?o.o) prices? read more

How to make Money.

Bill Gates said: ” You make money by getting money. It’s that simple “

Thank you Bill for your very true(not to mention obvious) comment. But how do we get the money.
Through my Maple Experience I have made a small guide to making money on MapleStory. There are numerous tips I have come up with to help you become that Maple Millionaire you want to be.

Tip #1: Use your storage.

In your storage space there is a spot for your money. What do you suppose that space is for? read more

Blitz & Me(chapter 40)

I grabbed my Korean Fan tightly. Helen was right behind me. We were hiding behind a large boulder that was right in front of the entrance to the cavern. I slowly walked out from behind the safety of the boulder and peered into the cage. David was on the ground bound by ropes. Kyle was in the middle of the cave drawing strange symbols onto the stone floor. I readied to dash toward David. I took my first step but froze. A red, gleaming blade was pressed toward my throat. read more