All posts by Mnemicgerth

finally 50

after 3 weeks of vacation, wasting my time on a banditsin and my cleric i finally trained my spearman like crazy ^_

yes, indeed it is erver check =p

got nothing to do xcept wait for school
I trained like crazy on wraiths =o
sadly alot of ch. were hacked so alot had few respawn or even no respawn at all!

training at gollem now ^_^

i luf my new 9D _o_
i uploaded 2 pics, before and after =p read more

So yea, there i was

Lets go back in time… To be exacly a few hours… (yea that was a not-so-funny-joke)

It was late around here already.. Yea and my mother was telling me to get of of maple…

Before i levelled to 31 eith my warrior… I was at 60% when my mother asked me to shut down the pc

Well, i didn’t want to (i have problems sleepin=p), i wasn’t sleepy at all (myea), i do got a test today, but it’s only english , not-so-hard, basicly i gained an extra 17% more on top of the 60% (i was in ant tunnel) read more

Hackers, the continuous story

yea probably spelling on continuous but oh well ^___^

yea, don’t worry people this’ll be a short one, i’ll hit the frenzy with ya’ll, and while i do it be cool too…
It’s a trend to talk about hackers so…

Yea well i was training my warrior at ant tunnel 1, it was getting crowded so i thought, meh let’s go to 2..
I got there, and there were no monsters… well i walked all the way to the right, and saw alot of horned mushies in tha air O.o
i was like…. must be a hacker who left the scene and messed up the respawn read more

yea, my findings

not to make folks jealous or something, oh yea i started since the event (double exp) and played till about the end of double drop (not the whole time off course) i missed most of the double drop period..

That don;’t matter, what matters is what i’ve found so far
(Btw i got a throphy with my warrior from the GM event but that don’t matter ;o) read more

yea finally levelled

as it says, i finally levelled
yes to level 45
why am i so happy you wonder?
i was exited about the fact that i made an Arc staff at level 39, my goal was to be at least 45 to use the staff…
Now my next goal will be the level 48 armor 8)

yea… it’s whats keeps me goin’
i might even reach 5X

sure hope so…
Problem is that my friends are all lower then me, so i don’t really have anyone to ‘look up too’ read more