yea finally levelled

as it says, i finally levelled
yes to level 45
why am i so happy you wonder?
i was exited about the fact that i made an Arc staff at level 39, my goal was to be at least 45 to use the staff…
Now my next goal will be the level 48 armor 8)

yea… it’s whats keeps me goin’
i might even reach 5X

sure hope so…
Problem is that my friends are all lower then me, so i don’t really have anyone to ‘look up too’

7 thoughts on “yea finally levelled”

  1. it’s cool when we have goals to achieve. makes you get that ‘can’t-leave-the-game’ feeling. =D

  2. Yea, Jiyachan is right. I only have friends that are between levels 35-64 and I’m on level 24. So I guess I’m kind of the opposite of you Mnemicgerth, I have lots of people to look up to =). But I can’t wait to get level 25 to use my new gear. Its gonna be cool. =)

  3. search maple story priest on youtube, and you will see one that says “maple story 113 priest”
    watch that and it will give you a million things to look up to

  4. yea, it’s the higher levels that ‘turn me on’
    like jiyachan said the can’t leave the game feeling

    it’s just fun being the ‘best’
    i’m addicted to my ranking 8), dunno it’s just, another thing that keeps me going

  5. heh, im lvl 40. i dont really need anyone to look up to. i got a bunch of friends around my lvl, a little bit higher or lower. it’s just hanging out, talking, buying and selling, killing, defame wars, and ks wars 8] thats my maple lyfe XD

  6. Thats an exact mirror of myself. Only yesterday I levelled to Level 45 and was able to wear my Arc Staff! =D

  7. I love trying to hit a higher level, having a staff or armour in your inventory really pushes you towards it definetly. Congratulations on 45 =)

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