Hackers, the continuous story

yea probably spelling on continuous but oh well ^___^

yea, don’t worry people this’ll be a short one, i’ll hit the frenzy with ya’ll, and while i do it be cool too…
It’s a trend to talk about hackers so…

Yea well i was training my warrior at ant tunnel 1, it was getting crowded so i thought, meh let’s go to 2..
I got there, and there were no monsters… well i walked all the way to the right, and saw alot of horned mushies in tha air O.o
i was like…. must be a hacker who left the scene and messed up the respawn

Now, my biggest frustration, getting them away…
Sure it;s easy with slash blast
they died in a few seconds… The worst part was that a group of 3 or 4 people came across too, and saw me attacking them, they assumed i was the hacker and reported me >.>

meh… if i don’;t kill those they’ll mess up meh spawn laddies >.>

People should look a tad bit more outta their eyes ^_^’

One thought on “Hackers, the continuous story”

  1. Yeah, I tend to talk to hackers as they’re hacking. Saying stuff like “Wha? Why are you hacking?” or “Er, Ok.”
    But, 1 person reporting someone is nothing, as long as like, 5 people don’t report you, that’s fine.

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