All posts by Minniie

The curse. Could it possibly be true?

Seems like the infamous cheif bandit curse is true, but only partly. You know.. that “Cheif Bandits go broke” saying. I remember arguing with my friend about it way back when i wasn’t even a CB yet. People always told me, “when you turn into a CB you will go broke”, but in reality. In a way, i choose to be broke. haha. See, if you are a theif, you already know that equips can be costly. The higher level you get, the more rare your equips are, and the more they will cost.
If you are anything like me, then it would cost you even more.. I always want to have the best of the best, and i went bottom line broke twice already. Once when i bought my 21 dex overall around 75 mil, and when i bought my 100 att DT for 105mil. Sigh. The only reason i had money to begin with was because i found a couple of good drops back when the maple weapons were a big hit, and a friend quit MS and gave me money, and good equips to sell. Luck.
So anyways, once you get Meso Explosion.. It’s all down-hill. I mean.. This means we can do massive damage, meaning that we can train on higher lvl monsters and get more XP. Ofcourse the down-side is, we get broke from it. Psch. I’ve wasted 4 mil, for a level at golbis. Sometimes when i feel bold, i head down to sharks. (Meso guard saved my life a couple of times.) It’s so hard to not level with ME.. It’s alot easier than grinding for hours, but we lose tons of money this way.
So i guess that this is why they say Chief bandits go broke? Damn that Meso explosion. DAMN IT! It’s so addicting. Anyways, my whole point is.
If you are planning on being a chief bandit, and you are scared because you think you will end up broke. I say, the hell with it! Just don’t train with Meso explosion and you will be fine . You can always get pickpocket to a good level that way you wont have to drop much money when you are training. read more

My Cheif Bandit.

I’m always having people asking me about my build. So i guess this is to just answer some questions as to how i train, what is my build and etc. With chiefbandits you can go anyway you want because you still always have a good attack with Savage Blow.
I’m a low-dex CB, so that is why i do alot more damage than other CB’s my level.
At first i was turned off from going low-dex because the pirate suits are just too sexy!, but i figured that i can just disguise my lvl 35 overall with CS, and i’d still get to wear the dex pirate hat :>
Being low-dex is EXTREMELY expensive, just my overall cost me 75mil. It is a 21 dex overall. So i won’t be needing a new overall soon, unless i can afford a 25 dex one which is like, not happening. x_X
GOOD Dex capes are hard to come by are also expensive, and snow shoes.. well. Can be a pain in the butt to scroll. read more

Sweet, Merciful, Jesus.. Why?

Yes. Yes. I’m angry. Very angry. FURIOUS. My Co-worker just started playing maple recently, needless to say that he is a Newbie. I helped him start off, told him about each character, and how he should go about putting his points. I gave him the websites that have guides to help him out. Heck, I even gave him some mesos to start off. But what happens? He doesn’t listen. He completely screwed up his points, when i specifically told him what to do, so he made a new character, a thief, this time. I told him again, don’t get double stab. Its a BANDIT SKILL. What does Peter go do? Add double stab, so he started over again. read more

Those little nasties.

As you all know there is a turkey killing craze going on. What is bad about it is that the only place to kill a turkey is ofcourse in henesys. I was huddled up in sleepywood (the only place that drops green eggs) with a bunch of lightning mages to kill one turkey. I got a couple of assualter’s in first but, i wasn’t fast enough for the ice/ligh mage.
Who was just lvl 70. After a while he started getting cocky, acting like he could KS me anywhere else. I moved away from him, and pretty soon him and his crew of i/l mages were following me around. Saying such thingslike “Ha ha, no chance”. Usually i try to ignore it, but i was trying to get me a turkey pet. I changed channel, a nd a few minutes later they pop into my channel giving me the f3. read more

Enough is enough! Let’s all take action

A couple of months ago, i wrote a blog about “Anti-Hackers and the real motives”. I still agree with some points about that i wrote previously, i am also contradicting the others. It’s gotten utterly disgusting! Everywhere i turn there is someone hacking. I am not exaggerating either. They all seem to be doing the same hack, that through some investigation and googling i’ve found out the name, and emailed wizet. Yes. That is right, i went to every hacking forum or website that i could find and i emailed Wizet a list, and the names of hacks that are being used now. I have sent them downloads of some hacking tools that i obtained, I even told them how easy it was for me to find hack addresses! read more

Psch. Dang lvl 70

You know what i’ve noticed? Why is it that when ever someone hits level 70 the first thing they do is run back to vic to henesys hunting ground and KS the little noobs. Or why do they dress up like noobs, and try to ks other noobs? It’s just stupid. I hang out in HHG sometimes, because my little sister trains there and i like to keep her company. Of course i dont go showing off. Then like always there is a lightning mage on the top where the green mush are at, kill stealling the lower levels. That makes me mad. read more

Advice to future Chief Bandits

I have not played maple in months. I can’t say that i quit, because i dont want to quit. Some people quit and give up all their items, and then oneday decide to come back. I just say, “I’m taking a break”. Maple was getting to hectic.

Anyways. I didn’t start this blog to rant about anything. Instead, i wanted to give advice to future Chief Bandits. read more

Just like that..

I know i haven’t really been up to the bloggin’ in a while. I thought i should update. So everything was going great, i had lvled to 71 and my good friend ( or so i thought) -slash – guild member, was a soon to be Chief bandit. He had been saying this for a while although we had never taken him seriously.. he said ” When im 70, im going to quit the guild and see how many guild invites i get.” Well he was 80% and my other close friend says, hey hes going to quit the guild. I remembered about that, and i tried to talk him out of it. I tell him ” Nuuu, don’t leave!”, but no matter how much we tried, i guess it was clear that he had made his decision. read more

3rd Job, and New Addiction!

Finally my work has paid off! Countless hours i’ve spent, the months i’ve spent. It’s all paid off now! Yesterday i hit the big 7-0 and it felt great. I was so nervous when i went to fight Dark lord, but to my amazement.. I killed him in 2 minutes! I thought it would have lasted longer.. The question part was really hard also, but i guess i cheated and used HS. (Who doesn’t?) Assualter is so smexy. God, i love being a cheif bandit! read more

Maple Fever is back!

I had kind of retired from Maple for a while. I had gotten frustrated with all the hackers, and all the spam megaphones about hackers. I had gotten to the point that i would login in and just feel like i didnt really want to be there. So i stopped coming online. I started doing other things like going to the pool and such, going out with “the girls”. Then i got sick. Really sick. Now, i had to be stuck in my house. I got bored.. Really bored. So i decided hey, why not play MS. So i did. When i came back there were tons of updates. Aquaroad, and all the patches. There was alot more things to explore now. read more