Advice to future Chief Bandits

I have not played maple in months. I can’t say that i quit, because i dont want to quit. Some people quit and give up all their items, and then oneday decide to come back. I just say, “I’m taking a break”. Maple was getting to hectic.

Anyways. I didn’t start this blog to rant about anything. Instead, i wanted to give advice to future Chief Bandits.

1) When you hit level 70. DO NOT SPREAD OUT YOUR POINTS! I see this alot. It disgusts me. I was at mushmom with a friend (86 dk) and some level 71 hermit comes flash jumping down. Not only did he have flash jump but he also had shadow partner, and advenger. Then he has the nerve to say “Now i have to ks another dk.” (of course he got the first hit, but too bad for him it was only 1k), my friend did his dragon buster, and thats all she wrote.
When you spread you points you make yourself weaker. Dont be like that hermit. Pick a skill that will give you the most power and stick to that. You can add like 3 points to meso guard and then continue what ever skill you pick. Just don’t spread your points out like that, You will regret it. I know that you want to have all the skills quickly, but it takes time.

2)BAND OF THIEFS! – I started assualter when i first got to 70, but because i was desperate for a mob attack i started doing BOT. I regret this soo bad. Although it is a mob attack, it is really weak. At lvl 8 i was still only doing 1k damage. 2k if you add both hits. I couldn’t train in ludi because it was too weak to hit the monsters took me about 6hits to kill soul teddies. With my sb only 2 hits.
I recently spent over 60 dollars to buy a couple of sp resets and now i have 8 assualter. It does 3k. Its great compared to band of thiefs. I think band of thieves should be left for later on, assualter is powerful. It also gives you an advantage to train deeper in ludi.

This is all i’ve found out so far. I like to give advice from what i learned from my own mistakes. So yeah.

3 thoughts on “Advice to future Chief Bandits”

  1. Assaulter= 450%
    Savage blow= 480%
    Band of thieves= 210%
    Well I dislike band of thieves because you have to actually attack a monster close-up or your fellow thieves will remain in their slumber, unlike a nice explosion that can damage monsters regardless whether you are standing below a mob, above a mob or amidst a mob.

  2. Thanks for this “Little” guide, now i dont spread my points if i gonna be Chief Bandit. I wanted to do is, but after i readed ur blog i thougt: Oh boy, not a good idea man.

  3. Thats the other bad thing about Band of theives. You have to actually be close to hit it. Ugh. Its just annoying.
    BlackCiXa, it is a bad idea to spread out your points. I mean if you have your own build in mind then go ahead. I’m just saying its better to do one things at a time. That makes you alot more powerful.

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