What the title says. Im done with this site.
Retired MMO Tales Member – Laura
P.S: Your rude, stuck up, perfectionest, and your comments are too long. I hate you applebomb. Bye-bye!
What the title says. Im done with this site.
Retired MMO Tales Member – Laura
P.S: Your rude, stuck up, perfectionest, and your comments are too long. I hate you applebomb. Bye-bye!
Ya… Im in a boring class, so i decided to make a blog sence ive practicly read all of the blogs/forums here
My opinion : LPQ is a disgrace to Maple Story. Omg!! So many newbs! Person calls something in one pq, then next pq, i call something he aparently wanted to do, and he says, “NO CALLING!!! CALLING IS FOR NOOBS!!!” ToT I leave the party.
Well, here i am. My friend, Erik, IGN NoLuk4MeTyvm, got banned or quit without telling me. No, i should have used boyfriend.
We started out as friends. He hacked, but for a very short time. As soon as i asked him to quit hacking, he quit. We trained together, we talked, we even died together. As soon as we got together, as soon as we admitted we loved each other, he got banned. He logged off, and never came on again. I dont kno what happened.
Oh dear. My guild got hacked in Maple Story T.T 15mil, down the drain. It seems that Bera got hit the hardest. All of my friends guilds got hacked. But what really gets to me is, the person that hacked my guild, was a person that I got to know, Roshinji – this is a confermed guild hacker. He STILL hasn’t been banned. Well, I’ve had my eye on a guild I want to join. Its called ‘Michigan’, and as you can guess, Im from Michigan
I hope Roshinji feels happy about what he’s done. He broke apart a guild that was closer than peanut-butter and jelly – preferably grape jelly. I like to pull random stuff out of my pants. I know this guild hack thing happened a long time ago, but there are still scars that still havn’t been healed. Hehe, WINNERS got hacked. If you dont know, thats a guild that could hold up to 100 people – Expenciveness – And now people are saying avoid the FM and trading people. O.O I dont kno what trading people has to do with the guild hack. Anyone know? Well, this blog was really just to kill time at school
– Boring class – Well, Im glad to have found this site and to have submit this blog. Until next time,