All posts by JinTheJin


. . . The title has absolutely nothing to do with the blog . . . I just wanted to make it the title. <.< Mwahahaha that was my Laugh of Trickery and Doom!

Anyway, I finally lvled up ElectricSix to 46. It took several pqs until the wee hour of the morning, but it’s finally done. Now to get him up another lvl. T.T During 2x exp yesterday I lvled up PrinceOfDogs, lvl 20 now w00t! And after that I worked on Seress, didn’t lvl him during 2x exp, but I did manage to lvl him after it. read more

Well last night I finally lvled!

So now I’m 35 on Thievyry! I tried to PQ with ElectricSix to get him closer to lvling as well, but my fragging party leader quit. @#$%&! I was hoping to work on my archer during 2x exp, but as far as I could tell there wasn’t any, hopefully they’ll be one later on as scheduled and I can work on him then. Goes so much faster that way. 😀 I may also work on Seress, I’m not sure yet. And I’m also going to look for some of suchixchris’s characters on Khaini or Bera, but in the meantime I need to go take a shower and see what’s around to eat. XD read more

34 and on my way to 35.

I can’t wait to get to lvl 35, I’ve got my 60% claw scroll ready and my Maple Claw (20 att) ready, whether it works or not isn’t that big of a deal since I’ll scroll it to be better than my Meba+7 (24 att) anyway, but I still hope it works. And once I do so, I can sell my Meba and get a nice amount of money to use for pots, and proably somewhat later on at lvl 43 (23 att Kandayo :D), a 60% claw scroll. That or maybe I’ll invest in some new stars, the stars I have are fine at the moment, but I would like a few more Kumbi or Mokbi. I’ve thought of hunting or buying Tobis using my mage, but I decided I’d hold off on it, if, when Thievyry gets to be around the same lvl as ElectricSix, he still doesn’t have the funds to get some Tobis, then I’ll probably get him some. If I find any steelies though, I’m selling them, same for Ilbis or Icies, certainly they’re good to have, but I’d rather invest in a work glove for him than some stars I can sell at a high price. (Kumbis all the way, cheapest decent stars I can get so I may as well use them no?) read more


I’ve thought often about friends in MS. I made three really awesome ones quite some time ago, and later on I made another one, but a lot of the friends I made were made solely because I had given them stuff. Those ones usually didn’t last that long unless they had a continued need for items.

(This all takes place in Bera in case anyone was wondering. And I plan on deleting my original character from there eventually, but only after a new Server comes out, that way I can remake them on the new server, at least in name if not in any other fashion.) read more

Hammer Time!

Do the Hammer Dance of Doom! *Runs around with the Hammer of Doom swinging it in what might be a dance . . . if I could dance that is*

Eh I just had to throw that in there. XD (Yes Nodaku, I am a crazy weird dork and proud of it. :P)

Anvel is now 17 and I’m thinking about the future. He’ll need some dex clothes at 20, and a +6 acc. Fish Spear if I can find one. I have a feeling that will likely cost me quite a bit of my funds from one, or all of my characters, but it’ll be worth it to keep him moving forward. I’ve been working on PrinceOfDogs as well, didn’t lvl him today, but he’s a good ways there. Hopefully I can get him to 20 soon and he can start training on pigs and ribbon pigs, that should help speed up his training quickly. And if I can, I’ll try pqing at 22, see if he’s strong enough to do so successfully or not. If not, back to pigs and ribbon pigs, but if he is, then he’s going to PQ like mad. I need all the 10% glove and overall scrolls I can, some 10% helmet def ones wouldn’t hurt either. Hopefully I’ll also get a green bamboo hat, for him to use, and eventually for Anvel to use, since if I can’t find enough +accuracty stuff, Dex will have to do for now. read more

ROBOT Conspiracy!

Dun dun dun!

It’s trying to steal my lightning so it can stay charged up forever, sort of like the little Energizer Bunnies in MS, but more evil! <.< Maybe the Energizer Bunnies are part of the conspiracy! And the suicidal candles must be trying to get killed off before ROBOT can get them! And I bet those penguins and kitties are somehow involved too! <.< Evil penguins and kitties . . . mostly the penguins though. #$%&! Wait, I know why ROBOT is trying to get rid of me! Shroom Diving must be the reason! Shroom Diving must do something to it somehow! *Goes and jumps into a bunch of Shrooms* Take that ROBOT! Mwahahahhaha! <.< That was my Shroom Diving Laugh Of Doom. read more

Trading Fame! @#$%

I really hate people coming up to you saying in caps “TRADING FAME”. I don’t trade fame, never have, never will. If someone fames me, and I have some fame, I may fame them back, but that is a small gesture on my part for them being so nice as to use their one fame of the day on me. That does not mean I’ll trade it, I give my fame to those I think deserve it, and those I think don’t deserve to be famed, I defame. Haven’t defamed too many yet, I’d rather save my fame for someone that deserves my time and effort to click on them and then click the up button on their fame, than waste it on someone who doesn’t deserve such time. read more