Trading Fame! @#$%

I really hate people coming up to you saying in caps “TRADING FAME”. I don’t trade fame, never have, never will. If someone fames me, and I have some fame, I may fame them back, but that is a small gesture on my part for them being so nice as to use their one fame of the day on me. That does not mean I’ll trade it, I give my fame to those I think deserve it, and those I think don’t deserve to be famed, I defame. Haven’t defamed too many yet, I’d rather save my fame for someone that deserves my time and effort to click on them and then click the up button on their fame, than waste it on someone who doesn’t deserve such time.

Fame should be for good people that do good things, not some cheapened thing that people try to see how high or how low they can get.

Anyway, now that I’ve got that out of my system. My gf lvled up her mage, and I lvled up Thievyry, then she went to sleep and told me to get bed. Me being me, then I lvled up Anvel since he was at ~70% and now I’m heading off to sleepy sleep dream land thingy.

. . . Bwahahaha! And another blog is added to bore you all to death! . . . or something like that. Now off to bed! *Jumps out the window* . . .(Not really) . . . (Actually I did, but climbed back up so I could fight ROBOT in a duel to the death, but then . . . *Sleeps*)

8 thoughts on “Trading Fame! @#$%”

  1. XD You are such a DORK the ROBOT is a Conspiracy man, They don’t sleep and they attack you when you decide to fall asleep O_O They are like the Crimson Rogs, <_< Attack when you’re off doing something else, Punks, -.-

  2. Eh I’m proud of my dorkiness . . . weirdness . . . insanity . . . whatever you want to call it. <.< If the shoe fits as they say. And have you noticed like the same people are usually the ones replying and liking stuff? Seriously, I think they’re all the same ROBOT! <.< Alright, must pull self away from computer. *Rips hand off* . . . Little too hard I think . . . *Passes out*

  3. Rofl. Yeah, well I’m one of them <_< ANYWAY,

    The penguins stole my sanity,


  4. LOL i like issues they’re like chocolate on vanila ice cream put on top of fried fish AHAHAHAHA DOGS WHO MEOWS OWNS JOO!

  5. Man, Issues are NOTHING comepared to what I have,

    I have lifetime subscriptions!

  6. Nodaku, how do you think they found out we have issues? . . . You don’t suppose . . . they’re part of the ROBOT conspiracy!? Dun dun dun! <.< Must resist wirting Blog about ROBOT conspiracy! <.< Probably going to fail miserably and torment these people some more. Mwahahahahah! <.< That was my evil laugh.

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