Fish, Mebas & Ludi PQ

Yay. First blog. ^^ I joined MMO because a friend told me I should complain here. Though, I wasn’t planning on complaining much. x__x


The day started out fine, I was mindlessly grinding away at Jr. Pepes like I usually am, and auctioned a Meba that I forgot a friend of mine had. I figured I would go delete the auction, until the person who bought it whispered me. Thankfully, he understood the problem and said we could do the trade later on. So, continuing my mindless grinding, I ended up finishing Moppies quest with the fish. Got the 60% shoe speed, tried to scroll my whitebottoms, but it failed. P: As for the rest of the fish, I npced them all and headed off to Ludi to stalk another friend of mine (he likes to PQ). In my opinion, Ludi PQ sucks, it takes waaaaaaay too long to get in & really stupid people do Ludi PQ’s. My friend asked if I wanted to join him doing one, I agreed because I’m not good at saying no. Though I hadn’t PQ’ed since my Assassin was level 47, which was quite some time ago, I figured I could give it a shot. I got into a few successful PQ’s, and I had a very helpful party that would tell me what to do instead of flaming me when I got confused. This all went along great, until I had to start doing my homework. I was half AFK and half doing a PQ, when all of a sudden this conversation starts up between me and a very rude party member if you ask me:

Him: wdf if u hit a box take da pass with u
Me: Sorry.. I figured the leader would take it. o_o
Him: y r u so fcuking slow doing da pq? u a mage idiot
Me: I’m partially doing homework and half PQ’ing..
Him: well i hate lazy ass mages like u who tink there so good
Me: When did I say that? >_>
Him: cuz i can tell
Me: …
Him: ur only doin homework cuz ur an f student
Me: No.. I just have a lot of homework, & I was busy on Friday.
Him: well what do ur homework on saturday noob
Me: No thanks, I think I know when I should do my homework.
Him: well y dun u go do da mage portal noob
Me: Well no duh, who else would do it? o_o
(the party had no Cleric, and he was a Sin)
Him: ur mama
Me: o_0
Me: … *defames him back*
My friend who was in the PQ: *fames me* Just get over it, move along and stop arguing.
Him: WDF!!# *leaves party*

And you know how the rest turned out. I mean, yeah, everyone says that most Ludi PQ’ers are a bunch of asses. But I never actually came across one. >_>

Well, after this moment, I think I’m just gonna get to 50 by mindlessly grinding at Jr. Pepes. >_>;;
And enough of my problems. How was your day?

7 thoughts on “Fish, Mebas & Ludi PQ”

  1. What a moron o_o My friend got mass defamed cause he joined a pq and had a disagreement with a fellow member (he brought his guild down to my friend >_&lt. I hope your day gets better, and yeah, Ludi PQ seems to spawn jerks like that.

  2. Lol. You know people say to not blame the char, but instead the people that own the char? Well, I always wonder what kinda jerk sits behind that computer. -_-

  3. Guess what. I actually never met this kind of flamers. I am lucky I guess. =D But, normally, I always get a good party and get them in fast. That’s why whoever who actually *disobeys* me, Shall die a pitiful death in the Rock Golems! =DDDD

  4. I’ve PQ’ed for ages and i also gotta admit, it’s got some preeety big jerks in it. >_> , But i just learn to ignor them unless i get really pissed. =

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