Well, today was basically pretty boring. I hardly got ANY leveling in, and when I finally leveled, I died since MG turned off. Well, anyway, that’s not the point. So has anyone ever noticed how much fame effects the Maple community? For example, the higher your fame, the more people will tend to trust you. Since you have a much higher fame than the person over there with -12.

     But, then we have the annoying people who think you scammed for your fame. Which is where our story begins.

Fighter: how you have so much fame?
Me: I’ve had this character for awhile. o_o;
Fighter: so u scam?
Me: NO! I just trade fame daily, and I used to buy fame. nn;
Fighter: rite -defames-

    This normally wouldn’t bother me, just one fame. But the fact that he could call me a scammer because of having like, 20 more fame than my level? o_O That’s just wrong. ;

    And another thing that I don’t understand. Why DO we have fame anyway? It doesn’t really help us in anyway unless we want dark armor or something, but it’s not like we NEED dark armor. You can get a nice White Calaf that’s exactly like a Dark one. ;P So it’s pretty depressing when people (including me sometimes) slave over fame like without it their lives would be incomplete. >_>;

    And basically, that’s my boring rant for the day!

~ nicole

5 thoughts on “ZOMGWTFBBQ, fame.”

  1. Eww ): That sucks.

    But true. As you said, fame doesn’t matter, so you just have to learn to not care about it.
    However, as you tend to get to higher levels, people really do reference your level to your fame to determine if you’re a hacker. For example, by the unwritten rules of Maple Story, by level eighty you should have at least fifty fame.

    Not exactly the best rule to follow, but not exactly the worst.

  2. fame originally was an indicator of just how popular you were

    but people buy and trade and abuse it

    so it was originally like popular people get to wear the dark clothes

    but people started buying fame

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