Im alive and have a not-so-epic return with a new fan-fic I had just made up after nowhere while in my phase of playing The Orange Box too many times! I wont be on in any of the new games due to my liking of Xbox Live in my spare time, so dont ask me to play Mabinogi or Cabal, and Im talking to you gujju. Also my first name is Wayne if you wanna know because Im thinking of adding my name for the main characters of new stories. And Dest, LEARN THE TOWEL TRICK TO FIX UR 360!
All posts by FireLeo86
Sanctuary of Destruction 2
The second comic. Enjoy.
Sanctuary of Destruction I
Comic that I made. I might switch titles between Sanctuary of Destruction with Sanity of Destruction although I prefer the first one. Well enjoy the comic and see you later. Might not be good as I never made a comic series in a long time and my sense of humor had died out- slightly.
I had to split into two parts because of size issue. BQV
MMO Tales 5
Well here’s comic five of MMO Tales. I’ll try to get at least one comic up every weekend or so. But don’t hold your breath. Anyways enjoy and also welcome Liyah to the club fellow MMO Tale Club members.
MMO Tales 4
There’s going to be a sequel. A SEQUEL!
Anyways enjoy the comic and I’ll list the people who are in here. For the others who PMed me that wanted to be in the comic, I lost your Banned Story code. Anywho the list.
MMO Tales Crew Official MembersFireLeo86
MasterCheeze (due to applebomb’s request)
SilverFx with Squishy the Dragon.
Tantra is. . . Still lonely.
Well I’ve been playing Tantra lately with Dest/Muffin. For you who already know that Dest is Muffin, congrats. For those of you who forgot, boo. Anyways I’ve been in Tantra and talk to Dest occasioanlly and playing the game with Dest, is still like playing by myself. I mean he does train, but he trains with another one of my buddies, WarmSoup. I’m starting to feel as though WarmSoup is trying to steal my buddies.
B-L-O-G! What does it spell?!
No seriously, what does it spell?
Anyways I’m going to talk about Maple Story, Tantra, my Updates, and just a little about Runescape. So get comfortable. I know I will.
Maple StoryWell I leveled a few times since I was last on but now, I’m just trying to get to my second job advancement so I can be called a real Strdit! But my skills are MP fueled and use about 15 gallons of MP a second. Yes I’m producing pollution and causing the greenhouse effect. I predict that Maple Story will be dead in- never. Anyways back to the point.
Lunar Chronicles Episode I
In the universe, many creatures inhabit the planets that noone on Earth has ever seen. Many of these creatures are glad the way they live, but some of them hate it. On the planet of Sarona the inhabitants hate the way they live, for one reason and one reason only. The Sun always shines, not giving the inhabitants to get a chance of Darkness. They seeked a new way for them to live and thus, they left the planet they so detested. For years the Saronin traveled the vast universe, collecting knowledge and even built machines to stop the Sun from shining at certain areas. For a period of time they started to lose resources and air- until they found Earth. A perfect planet for them to try their new technology.
Tantra Online- 2nd Class Change Pt 2
Well currently I am taking the Test of Destruction which involves me going into a PvP area. I have to look for scouts of rival Gods and kill them and let me tell you this, IT’S ALSO TUGBOATING DIFFICULT! I can’t take, I don’t know, ten steps without something running up and trying to kill me! Even players who get involved with the PvP war so much that they don’t even think twice of the players that are there just to do the Job Change. I had to log out because some Braham guy wanted to kill me.
Tantra Online- 2nd Class Change
Yeah so I’m level 45 which means I can get my 2nd job change. Most people probobly think it’s easy, right?
Well you’re WRONG! It’s tugboating difficult! Currently I have to take the Test of Wisdom a big fat ten times! Even more! And every time I get a question wrong, I have to go hunt 20 Ananagas to be able to get smarter. Let me ask you this though, does going on a killing spree on monsters make you smarter? NO IT DOES NOT! I’m tugboating peed at the little girl! She thinks she knows everything when in reality she doesnt even have a clue that killing monsters doesn’t make you smart one single bit!
*breathes heavily*