All posts by finalphyre

hhg 1

Well, yesterday I madea new mage. He’s lukless as of now, and probably headed towards being a cleric. It’s the first charachter I’ve made in quite a while, and it took nearly two hours to get 4/4 on str and dex.

stats as of level 18:

str: 4
dex: 4
int: 89
luk: 8

and I went claw immidiately after MP increase, since he’s got around 2 mill to spend on pots. It’s amazingly fast trainning. The perfect break from my sin, and I haven’t lost any money levelling. I’d be even still, if I hadn’t had to scroll a wand. read more

Pass on the Help.

Well, I’m happy to see that some of the people I helped out as newbs have come all the way around, and taken my old spot while I’m off in ludi and ossyria. It finally happened late last night (about 1 AM my time). I was talking with one of the friends I made who is now a level 34 fighter. When I met him, he was a level 9 beginner trying to become a warrior. I escorted him to first ellinia, then perion, then back to ellinia and gave him some warrior equipment. He buddied me, and we became good friends. I also met several of his friends, who are now on my list also. They aren’t quite so far along, being halfway through the 2X levels instead of 3X. Each and every one of them is a nice person, and is enjoying their charachter and the experience of playing maple with other nice people. read more


Bah. I wonder if I should really keep trying, or encouraging my friends to keep trying with guilds.

We’ve all had bad experiences with guilds we have joined. My latest goes something like this…
I joined the guild TeKniQ, in khaini a week or so ago. I was one of the original six members when the guild was being put together, and I right away started to make a few friends. So things with the guild were going fine, it was growing at a good pace, and everyone was getting along, to my knowledge. read more


Well, I’m new to the whole bloggin thing, maple related or otherwise… so I guess I should start out slowly.

I’m a level 43 sin in khaini. I’m very poor, but I love maple, and I’ve got lots of friends in khaini, so I guess I’ll continue to play there. If you want to chat, my ign is sgtfeather, and I’m online… a lot. As a real person, I’m 15, and I live in northern New York. That put’s me in the EST timezone that the GMs like so much. Outside of maple I like sports and reading, and poker… so I’m not REALLY some internet geek. read more