All posts by EpicTales




Out there with an iron will,
Out there to quench the thirst and kill,

Fighting to avenge a wrong,
Fighting to prove that we are strong,

Of enemies, we have no need,
Of allies, we pay no heed,

Our enemies’ pulses are weak,
We watch as their blood will leak,

Alone, we are savage,
United, the lands will be ravaged,

Mercy is a weakness that we will not extend,
And so we fight until the final, bitter end. read more

Short Story – Damn Birds

Short Story: Damn Birds

A look at life if Pepes were master…

You serve the Pepes!
Yes, master!

I remember happier times, times when I didn’t suffer from brutal-bird torment. I still remember the day when those damn birds scaled the Orbis Tower. We had no reports of anything, as those speed freaks climbed twenty stories in less then an hour during the dead of night. They assembled outside of everyone’s house, and at the precise same time, as if commanded by a greater Pepe, they attacked fiercely, and took all of us pathetic humans as their slaves. They renamed us, giving us dull, unimaginative names. read more




I feel as if the world is against me,
As the winds continue to blow,
And the rivers continue to flow,
What is there to stay for, what is there left for me?

They all accuse me of my guilt,
Of which its twisted foundations were built,
Which they would not withdraw,
Or otherwise return.

Maple is but a desolate landscape,
As are the apocalyptic battlefields of Red Alert,
Now I am all but inert,
In this desolate landscape. read more

We Love You, Waffle!

Please Waffle, don’t leave! MMOT will never be the same without you! Some hate you, but their hate is unjustified – it is racist hate. We don’t want immature children to make you leave >_<

If you read the previous blog denouncing you, then please disregard it. It was just posted by some random hater. Everyone has enemies; it is a fact of life. You don’t have to leave for any reason other than something that is extremely important. read more

Mesos Pl0x! – A Guide

Did you think this is another begging blog? Another blog about noobs? Well, you’re actually right. I am writing a guide for begging for mesos =)

Begging for Mesos

Rule # 1: Be literate. Potential funders like it when you type properly. Don’t type l33t or pR0. Real pros don’t like that.

Ever trade some pro, who cancels in your face when you spam “M3z4rz pL0xX0r?” read more

Short Story – Skill-Less

Short Story – Skill-Less


I glared hard at my adversary as he spoke those spiteful words. We circled each other, slow paces, locked in combat. My mind kept repeating the threats in my head…

Loser is bitten by the Neckis. The winner gets to keep the loser’s mesos as well.

I hate how arrogant most boys were. They think that just because they had more strength, they could outplay me. I held my shiny steel Lion’s Fang in guard position with a single hand, circling counter clockwise. read more

Analysis – Hacking

[h]This blog contains information that may make you hate me, hackers, or legits. It is recommended that if you either hate hackers or legits, if you are an extremist in any way, or if you already hate me or want to hate me, it is recommended that you leave now. Well, you are forewarned.[/h]

I also fully realize that what I’m writing could banish me as an outcast. I am prepared to take the consequences. If it is requested by enough people, or an admin / mod, I’ll delete this blog. read more

Evil Tales – Prologue

Evil Tales – Prologue

It was a characteristically lovely day. A little bit later, the inhabitants of Capitale would have awoken to the sounds of merchants enthusiastically calling out their exorbitant prices, and the clear sounds of the multitude of birds chirping. Surely, the founders of Capitale would have thought of some better, more imaginative name? Well, unfortunately, that was all that they could achieve at the poor time it was established. No one had the intelligence required back then. Now, the city of Capitale flourished. The great metropolis was a beautiful sight in the pure, invigorating sunlight, or a dark, dreamy night, brightened by the countless shining stars. Ah, the view was surely so spectacular, that even a king would venture far and wide to see this fantastic city in all its glory. And one king wanted it. He wanted it very badly. So badly that the lust for the great city was a burning sensation that he could only satisfy by conquering the city, and imprisoning all its inhabitants, so everything would be his! The ghostly, abandoned streets in perfect condition and an immaculate state. Oh, how it would bask in all its glory in the sunlight, and all the ferocious power in the moonlight! It would be his. It must be his. read more

EpicTales: Away?

You may have noticed that I’ve been rather inactive about MMOs recently. I haven’t written a blog in some time, and I’ll explain why. I have been actually busy for some time, and that is quite rare. However, I’ve also spent most of my times playing Red Alert 2.

Anyway, here’s a list of my somewhat MMO related priorities: read more

Some Friend


I remember back then, long ago, 5 years ago when I met Jordan. He would later become one of my best friends. We talked non-stop at school, and frequently phoned (almost every day) each other. We always played the same games, but now, there is a great problem. I problem that could create a rift between myself and Jordan. It has to do with our personalities. . . read more