Some Friend


I remember back then, long ago, 5 years ago when I met Jordan. He would later become one of my best friends. We talked non-stop at school, and frequently phoned (almost every day) each other. We always played the same games, but now, there is a great problem. I problem that could create a rift between myself and Jordan. It has to do with our personalities. . .

I knew another person named Douglas. Douglas was also one of Jordan’s best friends. We would frequently call each other, although I’ve never met Douglas in real life (he lives in the same city that I live in). But however, it was a great competition. When we called each other, we would close ourselves to the others. We would attempt to rise to the top, all three of us, guilty. We would completely ignore the other, and rarely even talk to them in game. . .

There are other conflicts. I know Jordan quite well in real life, one of his major downfalls is one annoying quality: he is a parasite. He always copies other people’s homework. He often “freeloads” things off others. I also believe that he still owes me some money from months ago. However, that is not to say that I don’t have great failings. . .

I have problems in real life that makes most people steer away from me. I’m slightly hard of hearing, and I talk quite loudly, and frequently in class. I also have some annoying habits. But worst of all, I think I’m suffering from a chronic sickness, or series of sicknesses. I always suffer itchiness, regardless of what I do. It is extremely annoying. There are also some other problems that the sickness brings to me, but I won’t elaborate. These problems lead to clashes in game. . .

For example, I offered Jordan that in exchange for homework help, he’ll let me test one of my Red Alert strategies against him while he’s playing at his best. He was supposed to do that yesterday. But he procrastinated, saying that he couldn’t go online. (I do not completely believe him, because he lies a lot.) Today, he was busy at tutoring, and so I didn’t bother to go phone him. But suddenly, when I’m playing Red Alert 2, I see Douglas log on. I page (equivalent to whispering in Maple Story) him, with no reply. I phone him, and the phone makes the “busy” noise. I then go phone Jordan, and his phone was busy too. I knew it even before then, it was too obvious. When Jordan logged on, I paged him as well, to receive no answer. I went into Douglas’ game, where Jordan was as well. He kicked me out of the room as soon as I went in. I tried 2 more times, with the same result. Obviously, Jordan had either ordered it, or had not condemned it.

I don’t think that I can just afford to lose a friend, because I don’t easily make real life friends, due my failings. But I can’t just simply let one go away freely, and continue to be like this. This seriously depresses me in real life, and Red Alert.

Jordan and Douglas frequently turn their backs on me. They frequently jump to and fro between games, from MS, to Red Alert 2, to Priston Tale, to Gunbound, to Gunz, leaving me in the dust. I really wish we can have just one good game. . .

Ironically, right now in Mandarin class (Jordan is in my class), we are singing a song called “Friends”, or in Mandarin, Peng2 you3.

A little bit later today, I called Jordan. He was eating (I could hear him), so I got him to promise to call me back after he was done. A very simple request, not at all hard to forget. And guess what? Yet he goes to call Douglas again. I can’t believe this at all. . .

13 thoughts on “Some Friend”

  1. I think I lost one of my friends. I can’t really tell. I dun hang out with them much… but I know I got one friends I can always count on. And no, it’s none of you guys but I still love you all very much. Especially irlazybum 😉

  2. Rawr, I feel sorry for you.

    You seem like a nice person, I don;t see how you would get such illnesses.

    Of course, I wouldn’t think people would open themselves up to strangers, unless they were retarded, wanted to get lynched, or trusted the strangers, to hope if they wouldn’t lynch them.

    I feel wierd.

  3. Thanks for the support.

    I don’t give out very personal information, of course. If you stalk me like mad, however, you may find bits and pieces. However, I still don’t think anyone here knows my real name or age, for example. I don’t know much about my affliction, not even the name, so what harm could it do?

  4. Ah hem, for a very strange reason( and stupid one too) i’m getting confused. Are you a boy or a girl?(im serious) then i might start to understand><

  5. Not a pleasent thing to hear.
    Either ways people change, you change – what comes, also goes.
    That’s a part of life. The quicker you’re going to learnt to live with it, the better.

    I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed for ya.

  6. didn’t know u were a dude O___O;;

    but anyway, it seems you have a turbulent relationship with your friends that is kinda like “kill or be killed”
    do you get what im saying? eh, probably not.

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