All posts by dariidar

Finding Dark Sight, Chapter 5.

I’m dead, thought Luke. I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead. . .
The world was swirled in a mix of light blue and white. The entrancing amalgam of colors was beautiful, but confusing. . . his head was spinning, the blood rushing to his brain. . .

He was lying on a bed of soft grass, staring up at the sky. Sitting up, he realized that he was in one of the open fields near Henesys. Small wildlife scurried through the tall blades, rushing for the safety of their homes. He perceived a soft swish swish moving through the field, coming closer and closer. . . read more

The Legend of Alishar, Chapter 9.

Note: I’m back! By popular demand! ~Weeh. . . all of my ‘liked it’ signs on my MMOID are green, and I almost hit 15k blog views o_O~
I’ve also acquired a few new writing skills,so my stories will gradually become more descriptive. Mostly, my chapters are filled with action, cause, and effect. Now I know so many more elements to add. read more

The Legend of Alishar, Chapter 5.

Eh, one of my first tries at romance. If you think my work is crummy, don’t flame me! I’m just an incoming fr0sh who’s never had a girlfriend. This is based on what I glean from other “soap opera” ish blogs here, and movies.
The early morning sun broke its spell upon the forests of Lith. Dew covered the flowers and grass, draping the world in a glittering blanket. Wild pigs ran along the beaches, scavenging, looking for food and water. read more


People these days are really ungrateful to GMs. It’s stereotyped that GMs are lazy, stupid, fat, and have no lives.


In this post I will address the following:
1. What GMs do.
2. You can’t become a GM!!!
3. Don’t be so ungrateful, little leeches.

1. What do GMs do?
GMs DO NOT sit around all day playing a game. They have REAL LIVES outside of MS. They probably work, like, 4 hours to 6 hours every day for Wizet. The rest is for part-time jobs at other companies.
People claim that GMs don’t do their job. Well, try saying that when the facts are aimed straight in your face.
~GMs created Omega Sector, Orbis, Ludibrium. They bring you the game that you are incredibly addicted to.
They work, day and night, to please 3 or 4 million little kids. They do NOT cruise around all day, banning hackers. They work on pages and pages of coding for the next few patches. read more

What is GunBound about?

I think my Maple craze has settled down a bit, and I must confess that I am slowly being drawn back to GunBound. GunBound is a Korean shooting game, filled with strategy, skill, and teamwork. You can check it out at

The basic concept of GunBound is to either shoot down your enemies, or to make them fall off the map. You are given about 15 different machines to choose from, each with their unique shot style, strengths, and weaknesses. In a regular game, you can team up with up to 3 other people, playing a game of 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. This game really helps me bond with school buddies, as we have to work together to play efficiently. read more

An attempt to Party Quest.

Recently, I had heard of a strange whale/clock boss lurking in the zenith of the forbidding EOS tower.
The night before, I had leveled up, and boosted power into my skill of Meditation.
Excited to experiment with my greater magic power, I grabbed my wand and headed to the train station.
After a short and anxious seven-minute ride, during which i traded reputation with another player, I arrived at the Toy Land called Ludibrium. I smoothed out my robes and used my Teleportation skills to reach the EOS tower. read more

KSing guide

Upon my travels in Khaini, I have encountered quite a few KSers.

It’s strange- I had never understood before why other warriors always did the f5 face when they trained with my wizard.
until now.

There are many reasons people would KS.
1) They need to keep their spot on the map
2) They want to take a spot on the map
3) They do it just for the heck of it
4) They do it because they want to bother somebody
5) A friend was abused by somebody, and you KS them to avenge your friend. read more

New Blog!

Well, today is the day I have started this MapleStory blog. it was introduced by MrBasil, whom i can’t thank enough for posting this website.

I will be writing about my experiences as a Fighter on Khaini, username RisenHero, which was started last week during spring break. in the short course of a week, i was able to level it up to lvl 30.
I will try to post here after every one of my adventures. ^_^ read more