All posts by AznRiceFan

Tales of a Lost World 36

Episode 36 Assault: The First Clash of War

[3 Months Previously]

“You’re going down just like your comrade,” Zack hisses in Silver’s ear. She merely returns his hiss with a grotesque, yet defiant, silent glare.

Zack raises his Kage, and forms a devastatingly bright bow and arrow in his hands. He places the edge of the strung arrow on Silver’s back. “You’re gonna die here and now!” read more

Tales of a Lost World 33

Boy, there are a lot of names to keep track of at the moment. Hope I didn’t forget to mention someone when I should have. =x

Episode 33 The Dead Smith and the Flames of Hell

“Uncle!” Arai cries in awkward surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“I told you not to call me ‘Uncle’ anymore!” the old man barks as he arrives at the door, flashes and bolts of both lightning and fire illuminating the sky behind him, “You are to call me Azuma!” read more

Tales of a Lost World 31

Knowledge of Norse mythology helps with this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this one, but do keep in mind I wasn’t too preoccupied with accuracy. ;P

Episode 31 The Gods of Life and Death

“Arai…you’re getting crumbs all over him!”

“Well, mebbe it’ll hel’ wake him up.”

As the darkness slowly shrinks away like a fog dispersing from the air, Kunai regains consciousness, to find himself lying on a soft, feather bed. Over his sore body is a warm blanket, covering him up to the base of his neck. Kunai struggles to open his eyes for several moments, feeling the weight of someone sitting at the foot of his bed. read more

Tales of a Lost World 32

Episode 32 The Four Return

“If it isn’t the Four of Victoria Island!” Ryuu gasps into the awed silence.

“Yes,” Grendel replies, flexing the ancient arm holding his staff, “we are here.” Beside him stand the spirits of the other three that had once governed Victoria Island together—Dances with Balrog, Athena Pierce, and the Dark Lord.

“We have been monitoring your movements in the living worlds,” the Dark Lord adds in his shady, little-spoken voice. read more

Tales of a Lost World 29

I apologize, because there was an error in the last chapter. The preview for the previous chapter titled Episode 29 as ‘The Opening of the Underworld and the Awakening of the Beast,’ when actually the correct title should’ve been ‘The Return of the Soul Eaters.’ This error has been rectified.

Episode 29 The Return of the Soul Eaters read more

Tales of a Lost World 30

I’m on a roll today. ^^ Anyway, if you don’t go ZOMG by the end of this chapter, I’ll cut your head off.

Episode 30 The Opening of the Underworld and the Awakening of the Beast

“Kunai…” Ivy mumbles sadly, peering into the pale face of the Hermit. “Please, please be okay…”

As if reacting to her words, Kunai suddenly appears to stir, though he doesn’t open his eyes. He merely grabs Ivy’s wrist, clutching onto it weakly. Then as another spasm of darkness sweeps over him, his grip slackens, and his arm drops back to his side, useless. read more

Tales of a Lost World 28

Episode 28 The Four Naraku—Assembled!

A third gleam and crash of metal suddenly separates Lily from Iris, just as their weapons are about to meet. Acting as the partition between the two colliding weapons is the point of a Blue Screamer.

“My, my, Iris. We can’t have you killing the Third Phoneme now,” Lord Kimura says softly.

“Lord Kimura!” Kunai gasps, stricken by surprise. “Where did he come from?!” read more

Tales of a Lost World 27

Episode 27 The Iris and the Lily

“What…?” Bishop Calburn stammers, “What is the meaning of all this?”

Ryuu turns to Calburn, magnetizing him with his penetrating green stare. “It means that we’re here to save the Third Phoneme.”

Before Calburn has a chance to respond, he is interrupted by a deafening boom, as black clouds form in the sky, rumbling with the murmur of madness. With a bang, a spear of black lightning crashes in a straight line down onto the desolate plains below, and a dark figure emerges from within the blast of electricity. read more

Tales of a Lost World 2E-26

Double-dose of ToaLW. Featuring an interview with Creator Gorilla! I’m sorry I couldn’t make the introduction of the third phoneme as dramatic. =/

Phoneme Series Extra #2 The Otis Focus Session 1

Warning: Possible spoilers ahead. Most of it is not. If the question bothers you, skip the answer.

Otis: Hi! It’s your beautiful, handsome host once again, Otis hosting The Otis Focus! Today’s guest gorilla is the Creator Gorilla, and I’m gonna be interviewing him! read more

Tales of a Lost World 25

Before anyone asks, yes, yes I intentionally try to place my extras episodes in inconvenient times for the reader, thus cruelly lengthening their period of suspense. Torture me, for I’ve been a bad author.

Episode 25 The Race for the Third Phoneme Begins!

Kunai smiles, glancing up at the sunny, cloudless sky while Sasha and Ryuu continue to bicker with the two Palace Guards. ‘Well, I guess this is it. We finally know where the Third Phoneme is. I’m gonna see my sister soon…’ read more