All posts by AznRiceFan

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (35)

Episode 35 Triplicate: Round Two!

The doors finally finish sliding open, and in the haze of smoke and steam, a long, dark figure can be seen staring out at them, flames flaring from its head.

The haze of steam clears suddenly, revealing a long, winding figure of a dragon, red-scaled with a pair of bright yellow eyes and flames flying from its nostrils. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (34)

Episode 34 Fire in the Ground, Fire in the Heart

Arai quickly lays Ryuu on the ground over a huddle of blankets. He places a wet rag over his forehead, and places a small cup of steaming liquid up to his mouth, pouring it in.

Ryuu suddenly stirs, his eyes roaming about weakly. He suddenly opens his eyes wide, staring about him. Kunai, Arai, and Ivy are sitting by his side, staring nervously down at him. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (CP Set 1)

I know this is sudden, you may ask me why I didn’t post this first anyway. Don’t ask. This is the first character profile set for my series Tales of a Lost Phoneme. It includes the profiles for Kunai, Ryuu, Arai, and Ivy. A second (and possibly third set) will be released later on when new characters pop up and/or new information is revealed about certain already mentioned characters. *hinthintcoughcoughayamecoughcoughhinthint* read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (33)

Episode 33 The Castle of Necroheim

Arai leads the way as Kunai and Ivy walk side by side. They walk slowly up the slippery mountain paths, which are still icy and clogged with snow. To their left, the valley of El Nath lies in a haze of gray fog.

Arai slowly steps forward, using his staff as support to prevent from slipping. He peers around, staring up ahead into the path up ahead. “We’ve still got quite a ways to go.” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (32)

Episode 32 Lost in the Haze of Snow

Kunai raises an arm to shield his face as the snow around them begins falling much more heavily, blurring and dimming eyesight. He shakes several flakes of snow out of his hair. “I think it’s time to call it a night!”

Ryuu sighs, brushing snow out of his eyes. He glances around in the blurry snow-filled air. “Yeah, I think so too. There’s no way we’re gonna be able to get much further in this. We’ll be lucky if we don’t walk off a cliff.” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (31)

Episode 31 The Return of the Alpha Platoon

A glowing blue door suddenly appears at the crest of a small snow hill just outside El Nath. A light swirl of falling snow blows by in a soft, chilly breeze.

Ivy, Arai, Ryuu, and Kunai exit from the door in respective order. Arai clambers out of the door, peering around perplexedly. He holds out his hand towards the falling snowflakes. “Ah! It’s snowing! To think that we were missing all this while we were in that valley…” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (30)

Episode 30 Myou The Claw

Kunai stands in front, knocking on the wooden door of Azuma’s cabin. Behind him, Ryuu, Arai, and Ivy stand waiting patiently in the semi-darkness.

The front door squeaks open, revealing the tall, handsome Azuma. He nods just as Kunai opens his mouth to speak, still holding the claw of the Undead Paradox in his hands.

Azuma holds up his hand for silence. “So you have returned with the claw of the Undead Paradox. As I foresaw, you paid little price to acquire this claw.” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (29)

There hasn’t been any since the prologue. =D Firstly, thanks to anyone who reads this series. Appreciate it. Also from now on, there will be Next Chapter previews added to the end of each new chapter, provided to you by the cast of ToaLP!

Episode 29 The Valley of Dark Fog

Kunai, Ryuu, Arai, and Ivy slowly continue navigating their way through the foggy darkness, making their way slowly further down into the heart of the valley. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (28)

Episode 28 The One Who Sees No Others

“Who are you?!” Ryuu gasps, staring stunned at the brand new stranger standing before them.

The new stranger is tall, wearing a dark, elaborate robe. Under the robe he wears a thin layer of chain mail, and his hands are gloved with the thick, durable hide of an unknown creature. Lastly, long bangs of black hair cover his handsome face and eyes, which are covered by a pair of black sunglasses. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (27)

Episode 27 Loneliness

Ryuu suddenly takes a huge sniff as the group continues walking aimlessly through the seemingly tangible foggy darkness. He turns to Arai in the gloom. “What the hell is that smell?!”

“Onion cookie!” Arai replies cheerfully.

“Onion…?!” Ryuu cries, disgusted. “You didn’t steal any onions from those people, did you?” read more