All posts by AznRiceFan

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (45)

Episode 45 Hide And Seek!

As Lord Fyx steps forward, sunlight, pouring in through a large hole in the tower wall, shines over his face, revealing a pair of glasses and a bright red monocle. “Ryuu…at last, I’ve caught up to you!”

He wrenches the door open and steps through it, just as the tower shakes violently once again, and several floors from up above cave in. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (44)

Episode 44 Explosion!

Kunai opens his eyes and stares as Ryuu and Shuriken appear in front of him. “Sorry we’re late,” Ryuu mutters out of the corner of his mouth to Kunai. “But don’t mind us crashing the party.”

Ryuu turns to face Kunai. “Kunai, get yourself out of the way. We’ll take it from here.”

“I’d like to…” Kunai mutters stiffly, “but I can’t move!” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (43)

Episode 43 Triplicate Number Three—The Wind

The ground around Eos Tower suddenly shatters, as a large form erupts from underneath it. A huge, silver dragon rises from the cracks in the ground suddenly, shrieking loudly and glaring down at them.

Arai gives a gasp in alarm. “Ah! Is that?!”

“The Third Triplicate!” Ayame cries, smiling down at Arai. She then disappears with a swift flash, leaving the Triplicate to glare down at the others. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (42)

Episode 42 Finally! Who is Ayame?

At the top of the tower stands a figure shrouded in a raggedy gray cloak. The hood is drawn low, revealing a woman with long, purple hair, and a pair of bright red eyes. She stares down at them, a faint smile on her lips. “Long time no see, Ryuu dearest…”

Ryuu narrows his eyes, growling softly to himself. “I never imagined I’d see you again right here,” he mutters, staring up at the woman, “Ayame!” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (40)

No more fillers for the next 10 chapters, guaranteed. I promise.

Episode 40 Warp

Footsteps echo softly in a wide, dimly lit hallway of a large castle. A lone figure stands by himself in the midst of the hallway. On his left are wide, arched windows, overlooking a large valley below filled with city lights, bathed in a soft glow of moonlight.

Suddenly the footsteps grow louder, and a new figure appears, dressed in a raggedy gray cloak. The new figure kneels before the first. “Lord Kimura,” it whispers. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (41)

Episode 41 Back to the Building Blocks

Ryuu crumples up the letter as he finishes reading it. “Tch, piece of crap…” he mutters.

“What’s wrong?” Ivy asks, looking over Ryuu’s shoulder at the crumpled letter in his hand.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” Ryuu growls irritably, “this letter says the Triplicate’s not here. It’s already been released and is rampaging around somewhere else in Ludibrium.” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (38)

Episode 38 Kindred Souls

A young, black-haired teenager rises suddenly as the sun dawns. He glances over his shoulder at the window he’d been sleeping under; a shaft of light is entering through it, dimly brightening the small room.

He stretches, flexing his legs and picks up a set of Tobis lying by his side. He then equips his Casters on his right arm in silence, loading the claw with his Tobis. The black-haired boy then puts on his Dark Shadow set, peering around as he does so. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (39)

Episode 39 The Cherry Chocolate Chip Strawberry Vanilla Cookie Dough Minty Cookie!

Ryuu leads the way down a dark tunnel, while Kunai, Arai, Shuriken, and Ivy follow behind. Ryuu raises his flaming sword, using as light in the dark, timeless tunnel.

“This place is so big…and so confusing,” Kunai says, staring around. “Hey, I think we passed through here already. See? That’s the debris from where you made Arai drop his cookie, Ryuu.” read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (37)

Episode 37 Unsealed Time

Kunai glances around the main town of Ludibrium. He stares with a sober expression on his face, gasping only slightly at the amount of damage that had been done to the town.

The block towers stand wrecked and decayed, while many buildings lay smashed and in pieces. Several have been burned to crisps, while others simply blasted apart. A select lucky few remain standing. read more

Tales of a Lost Phoneme (36)

Episode 36 To The Skies Again, A Fate Decided!

All is completely silent except for the soft humming of the ship as it sails through the skies, large herds of puffy white clouds zooming by all the time.

Kunai sits worriedly on a wooden chair next to Ivy, who is laying down on a soft feather bed, eyes closed. A wet towel is placed over her forehead as she lays unconscious. read more