My EXP in a Can

Aurida has recieved his second dose of Master Death Teddy partying.
This was with the same DK as earlier, but since he’s Lv. 82 while I am but Lv. 76, it was… oddly inbalanced. Oh
It’s still decent… let’s take a listen at earlier.

“Whee!!,” Aurida screams. “I’m INVINCIBLE!!!”
-Aurida dies-
“I’m still invincible! I didn’t lose anything I didn’t come here to get! WOOOOO!”

So yeah, he’s drunk on power. Or Hyper Body.
Seriously, they need to put that stuff in a bottle. I’d hook myself up to an IV filled with it just to have the +60% HP bonus. (Oddly, I’d thought it was +50% before.)
“But… 10 HP multiplied by 1.6 is just 16 HP, Master. I could still kill you with a physical attack.”
Oh, yes, thanks for that, Aurida. -punches Aurida in the face-
-giant 6 appears overhead-

But yeah. Tek, due to my reasonable moving to Ludibrium for now, is out of EXP in the guise of Zombie Teeth. No more EXP In A Can for you, sadly. For a little while anyway.
There was, however, a contingency plan. Rodin was going to get Tek some solid horns…
-Rodin hears angelic singing and gets to his feet-
…which I just may do very soon.
Yes, he might be very happy at his use. I wonder if he still remembers how to swing his sword?
…And isn’t he still supposed to be a snail?

Aurida’s still on at 80.01%
Rodin is extremely hopeful for the future (and that the sudden revelation doesn’t happen)
and Tek gets to be neglected for right now. Can’t he just go love, and then kill, some aliens?

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