[LordIsaac Comic #19] February 29, 2008 Arladerus 8 Comments … Sorry. LordIsaac Comic #19. I promise this is not a Britney Roll or a Rick Roll or any type of false page.
Yay, so does that mean my apology is accepted?!? YEAH, TIME TO RICK ROLL YOU GUYS AGAIN- Wait, I can’t do that, that’ll get me banned, again.
Lol. This makes up for the last one.
Lol. This doesn’t make up for the last one.
Lol. You shut yer mouth when yer talking to me.
Lol, mang.
Lol. (10th like)
Great comic
Yay, so does that mean my apology is accepted?!? YEAH, TIME TO RICK ROLL YOU GUYS AGAIN- Wait, I can’t do that, that’ll get me banned, again.