muffins unite!

Since my last blog, I have:
*gotten new NX
*joined a new guild
*finally lvled
*even lvled my Penguin lol
*gotten even more of the “omg I see you everywhere/everyday”

I’m (in my oppinion) close to lvling again. Usually, when I hit about 50%, I truly avoid dying at all costs and actually train.
This afternoon I signed on to see the scrolling message at the top of the game telling me that Nexon Cards were finally restocked. Needless to say, I was out the door in 15 mins (since I was desperate for new NX and they sell faster than drugs here-well, about the same). Actually, I didn’t want to waste a trip so we called before we left to make sure they’re in stock and the employee said “Well, there’s a few… Yeah, there’s some.” So I freaked out and ran. Well, when I got there, there was a pretty complete stock of them and a couple of… “gamer” looking guys there… To mask my shame, I hovered for a few seconds before grabbing some cards with ninja-like stealth. The cashier actually asked me why people were going crazy over them and what they are to begin with. She must have though I was nuts spending $25 for something that isn’t… material. And now I need more. NX is by far my worst addiction, apart from Maple in general.

I like my new guild. They’re nuts… Well, not they, mostly the guild master lol, but it’s a good guild XD
I’m going to bed now that the sun has risen.
The picture is of *some* of my new NX stuff. And yeah, I know that almost EVERYONE has that outfit.

15 thoughts on “muffins unite!”

  1. I never knew that you could jump onto the chapel!

    I’m definitely doing that someday. . .

  2. Warps rock, they get you from one place to another and makes you die from your fear of heights.

  3. Nubmuffin reporting for duty, sah! *salutes*

    Anyway. Cash cards are pretty common where I am, so I’m amused at your excitement over the cards. XD Not in a bad way, just, amused.
    What do you mean by ‘omg I see you everyday/everywhere’?

  4. Its cool that you got new NX XD i play in maplesea and i get A cash by my friends every week XD its kool ab¨t its also a waste of money XD anyway, Have fun man

  5. Commander of the MuffinMallow army [[ Conquer all. Dominate the world. ]] requesting popcorn .

    I MEAN .

    Muffins .


    Crazy guilds are great<3


    I’ll stay guildless till I find one .

    Aye .

  6. I hate it when muffins join together. They’re always up to somethingÂ… like squirrels.


  7. They are mine, Vicey!

    MINETH .



    But you can have half of them .

    *Gives six truckloads of muffins to Vicey*

  8. I got 10k just before the restocking lol. I don’t spend 25 dollars because I can’t afford to waste that much [since I don’t have a job, and my parents hate maplestory, and it’s coming from MY pocket], so that’s usually my low addiction lol, 10k is fine for me =
    But if I could get alot more without doing any damage to my pocket and my family, yea sure -jacks a car and somehow speed drives over to target and buys them all- MUWAHAHHAA ok I’ll stop now ._.

  9. Lol, Actually, I can’t afford that much NX either, which is why I spend, maybe $5-$25 every month. I know I could do without it but I figure why not? It’d pay just as much to rent a video games, subscribe to another game, etc.

    And yeah, “Fallen Muffin” gets me a lot of f6 looks lol. There’s actually a suprising amount of “Muffin” guilds out there ._.”

  10. Can i have a muffin? *whimpers* *tear streaks down face and twinkles like in pokemon*

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