Well after a year of Mapling, I would like to make summary.
I proudly became a multi-mullionaire at level 10 (absouletly no funding) because I had picked an above avergae maple claw, above average maple crossbow (43), and average maple staff (35).
I sold all three at 2m total.
With this good bonus, I started Maple with a lot of my own funding.
Wow, like 3 sentences to summarize a year
Gee, I use like 500 sentences to summarize a week! XD
I bow down to your awesome summary skills . You must have an A for english .
But wow . From 2m to mutimillion . Woah .
And you were dead in here for like close to a year D:
Ditto Lazz.
I mean. I use one thousand over words to summarise a DAY.
My favourite pasttime – Shopping and EARNING $ out of it >D
And my record you may ask?207.5M earned,