Phase Shift: A comic.

Its pretty much my first comic… Wait… Stupid file is too big… link

Just use the link up there to view. Enjoy!

P.S. Any and all character ideas are welcome at the moment. Just leave a BannedStory code here or PM one to me. The most important thing is to Have A Name For The Character You Made!

P.S.S. I actually got to level 90 recently, before school started. I’m hoping to get to 100 during winter break, but the lag I constantly get might keep me from reaching there unless all I do is VKPT, GBPT, or SQPT…

4 thoughts on “Phase Shift: A comic.”

  1. <bannedstory version=”2.0″><item id=”00030340″ type=”hair” made=”o” hairColor=”0″/><item id=”00002000″ type=”body” made=”o”/><item id=”00020012″ type=”face” made=”o” eyeColor=”0″ faceExpression=”blink”/><item id=”01012030″ type=”Face Accessory” made=”o”/><item id=”01032043″ type=”Ear Accessory” made=”o”/><item id=”01002656″ type=”Hat” made=”o”/><item id=”01040027″ type=”Top” made=”o”/><item id=”01062059″ type=”Bottom” made=”o”/><item id=”01102101″ type=”Cape” made=”o”/><item id=”01082079″ type=”Gloves” made=”o”/><item id=”01072100″ type=”Shoes” made=”o”/><item id=”01402036″ type=”Weapon – Two Handed Sword” made=”o”/></bannedstory>

    Sean Axis

  2. Yah, what Ganzicus says. (and if he says your comic’s well-done, then it’s a pretty good compliment ‘cuz he = 1337 hax0r comic maker)

  3. Woah that was amazing i looked over the beginign so now i get it :X
    MAN THATS PRETTY COOL If you get that is.

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