97 since yesterday, (first pic). I should be 98 tomorrow, and planning to be 100 by Friday.
Thats a lot of grinding, no?
I played Alundra recently. For those who don’t know what it is, its this reeeeeally old PS1 game with crazy puzzles in the dungeons. Its really fun and stuff, using that thing up in my head for something other than academics and level-grinding.
I also went on my first Zrun recently, with guild. Turned out very messy, but it was cool, (second pic). Heck, all I need is a less laggy internet, which is what I probably want for Christmas, aside from everything else.
Goal = 120 by January. January 15th, to be exact. Yeah, 4th job is nearly here, and I need to start getting my game up. In fact, the whole point of getting to 4th job right now is Genesis. Yes, that insanely wide-ranged Priest skill that fires a laser beam. Yeah, a laser beam. I’m expecting someone to reply with the “IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZAR BEAM! SHOOP DA WOOP!” meme. Yeah, its a meme now. Just like the “IT’S OVER 9000!” meme. And Leeroy Jenkins.
Guild chat is very funny at times, (see third pic). Yeah, one moment its singing Pokemon, the next its making racial slurs/jokes, (see fourth pic at your own discretion). Its an amusing thing to do, reading what’s going on in guild during a training.
Ugh… MS is the only MMO where I’ve actually spent an uncountable amount of time on without quitting. Unlike… LaTale, Granado Espada, FlyFF, Trickster, GunZ, Dungeon and Fighter, War Rock, RO, and some other stuff… Yeah, I’ve played a lot; each eventually loses its thrill. Strangely not MS, though.
Played Halo 3 at school today. A friend brought his XBox360 to school with Halo. It was pretty cool, but being the newb I am at FPS’s, I was easily shot down. It was still cool playing though.
War games. Yeah, craziest, most intense games I’ve ever played. I’m talking about Warcraft 3/Starcraft. Yeah. Crazy Koreans. >_<. I’m probably gonna start practicing my Warcraft again, just because being able to play well in that game is a cool ability to have. It’s like another characteristic you have, no? Like being able to know how to win in a war situation.
PSPs… Yeah, PSP’s are cool. Played Riviera again. And Tactics. Yeah. Waiting on two more games for it. Crisis Core and Birth by Sleep. Both PSP confirmed games. Why am I talking in fragments now? I dunno. Oh great, now I’m talking to myself. -_-
Listening to Classical Music right now. Orchestrated, a lot of it is, but some aren’t. You know, the only music you can play obscenely loud without people complaining is Orchestral if you think about it.
…I think this is about the end, so I might as well end it. No, I don’t mean to off myself. I’m not that emo, you know? Anyway, if anyone asks about the comics, I’m working on it. Just don’t expect the next one to be done until I’m at 120 or so. A lot of work lies in front of me. Yeah, I know, I’m probably biting off more than I can chew. Literally, a piece of chocolate is stuck in my mouth, and I can’t even bite it down. IT’S TOO FREAKIN’ COLD, YOU KNOW?!
Currently Watching:
Gundam 00, Shakugan no Shana II, Clannad, Dragonaut -The Resonance.
Waiting For:
Code Geass S2, Haruhi S2.
~Concluded @ 12/18/07, 11:19 P.M. PST.
A lot of grinding , yes .
Congratulations and good luck!
u shuld getz a lyfe. Lol just kidding. Good luck grinding, as I am trying to get 70 by Christmas. By the way GotRice is the BEST guild in Bera. I love the members. They are simply awesome. Fangblade however sucks. HefferHeffer>FangBlade. Loooped>Suuushi. etc etc. I prefer top people from other servers then the ones I play in. I wish Looped and HefferHeffer would come to Scania :].
If that person watches anime, he/she’s not emo. Not even 1%.
Trust me.
How about emo anime? One of my friends watches those sugar-crazed girls with butcher knife animes.
That’s just scary.
Lol, ever seen School Days, final ep? Now that’s something.