Attack of Nemo!

Well, I went to Doom Flounder today/night, (its 4 A.M. here!!), and thought of this screenshot. Anyways, what are your thoughts on Maple Global’s latest patch?

(BTW, it has been proven that using the acronym “Z – O – M – G” is guaranteed to make you 50% cooler in Internet/Online chats of any type.) =)

P.S. Have fun with going into Doom Flounder, aka Pianus. *COUGH*

13 thoughts on “Attack of Nemo!”

  1. omg! XD I’m not strong enough to get in there yet. But i’m working on it XD
    It’s so kewl XD Is he like Zakum or like a really strong boss monster?!
    ZOMG PIANUS! XD *coolness rate increase by 50%* yay! i’m cool now XD

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. His damage output is nuts! The beam attack does around 4k to me, and still kills me, even when i have Magic Guard on. The spiky things, (forgot the name XD), do around 1.4k touch damage. Plus, the Flounder and spikes heal about once every ~10 seconds.

    To devilrymage, “ZOMG” is just omg. The only difference is that your coolness level goes up by 150%, (increase by 50%), or so I’ve heard.

    Oh, and Doom Flounder is level 100, 110, or some level 1XX that’s lower than Zakum.

  3. pee, anus, that’s how u pronounce it’s name right ? >_>
    Doom Flounder is a better name :[
    anyway NICE i hope i’ll make it to lvl 130 someday to kick that fishy’s ass =3

  4. zomg= Z is a misstype when someone press shift to say OMG but they say zomg instead

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