Yay level 50 D:

God I was stuck at level 49 forever for 3-4 days and then I finally got passed it D; But you know what I hate the most? Stupid zombies and the poison and then when your fighting and not looking your on one of the stun things >_< Last picture is me finally at level 50 meh I gotta go get level 50 shoes D; The other pictures are me at Zombies

6 thoughts on “Yay level 50 D:”

  1. man have the best clothes

    you went from lookin so noob to so pro in one level

    i still got 3 levels to 50

    what a road that will be -_-

  2. lol it’s better to have 3 lvls to go in stead of 12 lvls to go waffle
    can’t wait for my lvl 50 ish look
    gratz on the lvl 50 thing :]

  3. To waffle: you like the kismet? It’s a freakin’ crossdresser’s kimono.

    But I ♥ the red one.

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