I’ve been having bad experiences with this guild, Bedlam. The only reason I join was because of the nice leader who seems to be the only one who’d talk to me, the lack of friends (and the thought of making new friends in the guild)… and a friend/rival (Tenan). The guild consist of older teens, for the most part. Ranging from 15 on up. There are many different types of players, from the newbs to the elites. All in many different jobs and such. Most of them are assholes, most of them are quiet.
I’ve only got close to one other guildmember from the guild. We talked and laughed and greated each other in a newbish way with spam and capital letters.
Like so “[INSTER HIS NAME HERE]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@”
However it seems that he quit the guild for numerous of reasons. 1.) because I was gone for a long period of time. 2.) People often questions (or made fun of) his sexual preference. and 3.) He got tired of it. These are the reasons that were told to me, so I have no real evidence of it being true or not.
He and I still talk. He added me on his buddly list. We’re random and love to make one another laugh. He’s an awesome person. He’s just a bit more distant now than he was when I first met him.
At times, I feel as though I want to quit the guild myself. But I kept a promise to someone that I wouldn’t let the other members get to me and wanting to quit. I’m on the verge on breaking that promise but I don’t want to feel as though I’m such a bad person in doing so. I don’t want to feel as though I’m useless either.
In the guild itself, there’s far too many people now. It’s kind of hard to breath, if I dare say that. To many heads on the ‘who’s online’ list and there’s even more heads on the ‘offline’ segment of the guild window. And it’s hard to read anything in the guild chat nowadays. Everything just freakin’ hit the fan with the guild. I don’t want to leave because of something petty. However, I can’t stand being left out.
It’s like… I’m some freakin’ outcast or something. I don’t know if any of you ever been in this suitation but it’s like whenever I talk or ask a question the guild becomes silent for two minutes then someone else ask the same question everyone chimes in with answers and such. Makes me feel like I’m not wanted. I know I’m not much with my archer, but damn it… I thought these cats were cool.
These small bad experiences are adding up one by one. Just the other day I was on my way for a guild party quest. Someone asked me if I could be there because they needed a ‘noob’ (I’m still not used to that term). As I got there they started the quest without me. I asked them if they still needed me. They said no, we don’t need you anymore, we got someone else. Talk about being used. -_- I walked from my training spot to get there and they freakin’ ditch me.
-_- Some guild huh?
Someone once told me, I’m not gonna name any names, that I was just wasted space and that I was just in the guild out of sympathy… What kind of BS is that!?
I know Tenan’s is gonna read this and tell the leader and the leader is gonna make everyone to be nice to me. I hate that. *sigh* Whatever.
I don’t really want to bad-mouth the guild. They’re great and everything but I just cannot connect with everyone else like I did with that one friend I made from the guild. Now I’m stuck between two decisions.
Break my promise and leave or STFU and make myself known. Personally I lost respect for the guild ever since they just let anyone join. I like small guild. Close-nit guilds. Like a smaller buddy list that’s purple.
Personally, I’m just freakin’ tired of being shut out of most events and being ignored when I have something to say. I haven’t spoke to them in about a month. Even if I logged on. I don’t even say Hi anymore because they ‘don’t know me’ like they know other people. I wanted to talk to someone new. To connect with someone new, and I just feel like leaving. I know there’s no one holding me back. But I’m a woman of my word. I don’t want to break it. I promised someone that I’d stick to this guild, since I was guild hopping for a while. It’s just a group of people being asses… I just can’t this guild home. I never did.
But it’s whatever, I’m thinking I should just tell the leader that I’m gone. I feel as though I’m not needed anyway. I’m pretty damn sure I’m not needed. So it’s whatever.
Suppose if I do leave, I don’t want to join a guild that’s full of idiots and hackers that tYp3 lyk3 D1$… that’s far too annoying and I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back from picking out their flaws and consistanly remind them of how much of a failure in life they are for typing like an idiot. I know… it’s harsh.
-)(- sevas tra -)(-
I say leave.
If they’re that annoying and retarded, they don’t deserve an awesome literate like yourself.
If everyone here in MMOT was put into one Guild,
Oh god that’d be awesome.
Unfortunately, some promises will get broken in life. You shouldn’t be making yourself miserable over it. If you’re not enjoying the guild, leave, and explain your reasons to the person to whom you made the promise. If they’re a true friend, they’ll understand. They wouldn’t want you to be miserable, even if it is something “petty”.
Plus, there are plenty of good guilds out there. Depending on your server, the Hidden Street guilds are usually pretty good. If you’re in Broa, I’d recommend my guild (though I doubt you are). It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you. People won’t blame your for guild hopping if you don’t feel at home. That’s what guilds are for, aren’t they? To have an extended group of friend to play and have fun with.
If they’re that annoying and retarded, they don’t deserve an awesome literate like yourself.
If everyone here in MMOT was put into one Guild,
Oh god that’d be awesome.”
@ ArcImpulse1: I don’t even think the promises I made to this friend is a real friend anyways. But I really do like the leader. Just the leader, He’s awesome. But everyone just gets on my dam nervs. I know I’m not the only one in the guild I knew another person who’s going through the same thing as I’m going through. But she treats me as the others treat me, I suppose she does that to make herself feel better. Or him. I don’t know.
I agree with ArcImpulse1. It’s not worth staying in a guild where only one person likes to talk to you and treats you as a friend. If the rest are being asses, leave the guild and add the leader to your BL. If he’s a good friend, I think he’ll understand if you’re uncomfortable.
I would leave and add the leader to your buddy list and it is so hard not to type things in a shorter verison “you= U” <— like that
I agree with Mikunizer0 and ArcImpulse
What I would do is harass everyone in the guild whether master, junior, or member. That way I’m not the one taking all the crap.
I know what it’s like to be chained down to a guild . . . so this is all I can tell you:
Just quit.
But before you do, leave a BBS message saying “This is ______’s mother, whom he entrusted his account to. _____ died in a car accident just two days ago, and I felt that all his online friends should know of this tragedy. Send all funeral donations to (insert address). Thank you, and may you all lead longer lives that he. Please pray for us.”
( . . . Just kidding, don’t do that
Or if you are a Jr. Master, change all the rankings of people you hate to something stupid. Or leave a really dumb guild notice.
Hey you know what I think? I think you should just quit. For one thing if that Tenan guy is a real friend he/she would understand if you are not comfortable with the guild and respect the fact that sometimes even your friends need a break. Besides if anyone in your guild does not care if your on or if anyone else is on just quickly quit while everyone is off. But after all it’s your choice. No one can tell you what to do. If you want to quit just go ahead, but if you think your doing something wrong then dont
well basically the solution is leave
but im guessing you don’t want to be guildless that’s probably why you are not leaving
Is it one of those guilds where new people are always being added?
You’re going to regret staying in the guild and plus later at least you’ll probably be in a better guild
but if you don’t leave then you will always be in this stupid guild and always be hoping that it will probably turn out better
why wait? You got to move on because there are better guilds out there!
That really sucks. >>; Okay, it probably does suck more than ‘sucks’, but that’s my initial reaction for anything bad that happens.
Mmkay. Yeah. Leave. I go with the ‘STFU and make myself known’ tactic. Those asshats in the guild deserve everything you can throw at them.
Srsly. I know if it were me I would’ve broken the promise already, after cussing myself out to everybody. I have a short fuse. ^^;; And besides, you only know these guys through Maple, right? So what’s the worse that can happen? Mass defamation? Stalking? S’not so bad. =] It’s not like they’ll come pounding at your door, yelling for revenge and carrying pitchforks on fire. 
So yeah. Just leave. =]
Leave .
C’mon .
They don’t deserve you :X
I agree with the leaving part.
I’m sure you have a partly full buddylist. Ask them if you can join their guilds.
Guilds aren’t fun if you don’t know most of them and it isn’t random.
Seriously, where else would people talking seriously about crickets versus cockroaches and square pies?
I’m not even kidding.
And, if you are JR. M, follow Cheezy’s advice. It’ll be a good laugh later Take pictures.
If the space provides it, add the leader to your buddy list as well, if you actually like him, and want to apologize.
I suggest quietly leaving. Or do all sorts of things to the guild before you eave, but while no one is on.