It’s Late


Yeah… I know it’s late. But unlike most people… I don’t really have a bed-time. But shortly after this blog is posted, I might as well hit the pillows.

I half heartedly play maplestory now. I’ve been trying to dodge my guild since I’ve been a ‘noob’. I haven’t made it to second job with my archer yet. -_- They wish to sacrifice me. Oh boy. Well… I don’t really care. The only thing that bugs is … is that they called me noob. It’s whatever.

I’m not even trippin’ over my buddy list anymore. It’s just there. Empty

On my I/L wizard, I keep getting harassed by … idiots! With comments like ‘omg what the fck happened to your face’ or ‘you is one ugly bish’ Luckily, I have a sense of humor.
I like being unique but damn it…. that’s just mean.

Which brings me to a time that I decided to go to a friend’s level 100 (or was it level 90) party. I just flew off the handle, cracked a few ‘Yo Momma’ jokes. But someone took it to seriously.

Then someone from the party freaking’ partied me, trying to pick me apart as though I was a child talkin’ to a therapist. The only thing was that he didn’t knew how old I was until I told him that I was 19 years old. “Oh!” he said “My bad!”. But it got worse. A friend of mine that knows the guy who threw the party approached me. Asking me questions that were uncomfortable and not suitable in game.

* What makes me angry?
* Why am I so mean?
* Etc.

I couldn’t help give the what look. She was trying to pick me apart as the other person did. I’m not one to just tell anyone how I feel unless I feel like telling the whole world my life story. But she pushed and pushed and pushed until I spoke.

I guess I can’t go much into that because it’s not that important. Just know that she was left uncomfortable and disturbed. Not to say that I’m a disturbed person… but I’ve had my fair shares of crap… if I dare call it that.

Moving On…

I trained for a while the other night. pulled a solid 4 hours of killing red/fire drakes, frequently taking breaks and buying pots for MP/HP. I found a few drops here and there. And I gained a lump sum of EXP. Something to keep me motivated to level next time I play maple story.

Overall nothing interesting ever happens in my guilds. I belong to two different guilds on my two little characters.
I want to buy a ring, but I there’s no one to share it with. Plus I wouldn’t buy the ring so it’s whatever. I’ve been thinking about taking a break from maplestory, even though I don’t play as often. It just seems dull. Maybe I’m dull.

I’m a dull person d-_-b

I’m thinking of changing the appears of my I/L wiz face… so she could stop getting harassed. But then again, I want to keep it because I like it. -_- I might as well show you guys huh? And I might as well post up my archer as well.

Moving on…

I, yet again, have a writers block for chapter 11 of my story. ._. It’s been a week and I haven’t thought of anything. Well I blame school and midterms and studying for finals. It’s gonna be hectic. That’s the story of my life I suppose.


4:12 am


-)(- sevas tra -)(-

15 thoughts on “It’s Late”

  1. People insult me for beng a witch, gore-lover/ parakeet .

    [[In this case, paakeet stands for somethg unmentionable . .__.]]

    And loving parakeets .

    Hating them too . o_o

    Delete everyone .

    Get some friends <3

    Real friends .



    They called you a noob?


    I want their address, name, and number of people in the house .

    And the blueprint ;X

    And the average amount of time the ambulance takes to get there . @_@

  2. >< Meanies.
    But that face is. . . scary. :X It looks too uncomfortably much like a china doll, for me, and it freaks me out.
    But I wouldn’t go around attacking people with that face. >>;

    *hands a muffin and a cookie* Good luck for your exams!

  3. I didn ‘ t think you ‘ ll be the one who had the problem . Ignore them . Say you like it the way it is . And give them a really good time by irrating them . WIth words they don ‘ t know .

  4. I honestly like the way your mage looks. She has character. The poor archer on the other hand, she looks like she has a black eye (ToT) . . . I feel like handing her some ice to place over it.

    Don’t change your mage just cos other people don’t like the way she looks. Everyone has a different standard of beauty. It sucks that in today’s world people are spoon-fed perceptions of beauty that shouldn’t even be considered normal.

  5. Don’t change your looks just because the community around you hasn’t accepted it as beautiful yet. If you like it, keep it.

  6. As I said. . .

    Plastic Surgery is ebil. >.<;;;

    Just ignore the bad comments. . . people get cranky sometimes in real life and lets off their steam in Maple Story.

  7. The mage? Definitely more unique than the archer. I don’t think you should spend money changing it unless it really bothers you that others think that way.

    That was rude of those other people to ask you those questions, and they had no right to do that.

  8. Annikabelle said: “People insult me for beng a witch, gore-lover/ parakeet .

    I love witch, gore-lover/ parakeets

  9. And also. . Since I started playing RO, I notice so many immature, idiotic people like you mentioned- in MS or BasilMarket.

    It’s unbelievable. .

  10. I like the archer better.
    The mage? Original, but I feel like she’s gonna jump out of the screen and rip my intestines out with a ballpoint pen while singing a merry song.

    Original, nonetheless.

  11. Personally, I never thought this random blog will hit front page so soon. Forgive me, I’m just waking up and waiting for a friend to get ready to go to class, ._. You all are so lucky to be in middle/high school. X_x but then again I only have one class today.

    @ Kitten: I was actually thinking of moving back to Scania for a bit after my Mage hits 60. But seeing how slow I level, that might take a while.

    @ Everyone Else: Yeah, I’m unique. . . I really like the face. It’s something I want, but how many ‘small stuff’ do I have to ‘sweat’ until I blow off at them with “STFU YOU DAM CHILD” . . . . The community in most MMO are young and stupid. It takes a lot of courage to stand out. . . It takes a lot more courage to walk around looking different.

    Why am I buggin’?

  12. Aaru said: “Personally, I never thought this random blog will hit front page so soon. Forgive me, I’m just waking up and waiting for a friend to get ready to go to class, ._. You all are so lucky to be in middle/high school. X_x but then again I only have one class today.

    @ Kitten: I was actually thinking of moving back to Scania for a bit after my Mage hits 60. But seeing how slow I level, that might take a while.

    @ Everyone Else: Yeah, I’m unique. . . I really like the face. It’s something I want, but how many ‘small stuff’ do I have to ‘sweat’ until I blow off at them with “STFU YOU DAM CHILD” . . . . The community in most MMO are young and stupid. It takes a lot of courage to stand out. . . It takes a lot more courage to walk around looking different.

    Why am I buggin’?”

    Why you are bugging?
    Thats because you’re a bug
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . A ladybird!


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