Seasons. A Fanfic.

Pure white. The wind howls through the plains blowing up the powder from the crests of the dunes, cutting off the line of sight of any onlooker past a few pace lengths. There were a few footprints, barley visible that will no doubt disappear in mere minutes. Like something out of a post apocalyptic book or movie, it seems unnaturally empty….

The static of the wind is broken by the barely audible shout of
“Are you ready?” Before it is taken away by the flow of the wind.
A different voice fights the wind to reach ears “Anytime you are!”
A shape traveling faster then the surrounding flakes of snow zooms over the top of one dune, and lands, creating an indent in the edge of another. One similar object is returned, but clears the brow of the dune and keeps going. Many of these projectiles are exchanged in this white fairytale land, and eventually the wind dies down and is replaced by a thin sheet of fog. read more


After like, forever of not updating I am once again to say…:

I’m now a Sin in Scania! Yep, leveled to 30. I have a screenie, I’m just too lazy to turn on my laptop and get it at the moment. >.>

She looks pretty spiffy (go see her in the rankings) as does AlleyWolf who I got to level 36 during the day I played on her during Thanksgiving break.
In my last blog I know I said I prob’lly wouldn’t be buying anymore NX for a while ’cause I like the thief clothes, but I failed. XD I bought her an overall and then some wings during the Black Friday thingy. read more

stinky maple breath

you know i wonder
although this is a game
how stinky maple character
breath is

if you think about it
maple characters never brush thier teeth
they neva wash there face
(unless ur in aqua)

and i think quite literally
that not only thier breath stinks
but they do too

i mean you neva take showers
i bet u they sweat alot while fighting monsters

so just picture it
how stinky would your maple character be?? read more

My First Comics =D

Well…. i tried. My first comics. Don’t flame Pl0x. D=. The Miss and 1 looks bad. D=.
You might not get it cause it looks bad >_>. Well simply.
The noob finds a “hack” (Yes somehow hacks became items) and ponders what to do with it. As he does so, a random GM pops outta know where and summons for fun, and then runs away. The noob fights, and the monsters can’t do any damage because he has hacks on. It take a long time but he wins and gets a lot of mesos. But the miss hack prevents him from getting the mesos.
This comic took a long time for such a lame thing >_> read more

A Lost Love: Maplestory style.

Thought I would adapt Tai’s story into something MMO-related, sorry Tai, couldn’t resist! XD

This is a one shot story by meh! You’d better love it because I wasted an hour on this! >O

A Lost Love: MapleStory style. XD

I sat on my bed, my lost love’s diary in my cold hands. My tears seemed to never dry out, it wetted the pages of the diary. I tried to forget the events which broke my very soul but nothing could stop the tears flowing. Unable to remove the horrifying event from my memory, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. read more

Wow, some adventure..

Oi oi, It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Whew, what a road its been. Not as if many care, but I’ve disappeared on this forum for longer than I can remember. Felt like ages indeed…So! As the site says, I’m allowed to express my thoughts on Maple, and my adventures while on. Hmm…where to begin… tsk tsk tsk, So many stories to tell, but so limited space. read more

howdy ho!

Hello jello fellow mello?


Been awhile since i wrote any blogs

In maple i hit level 40

hit 7 mil
Im a poor man…
lacking 4 str NO BALZUD!!!
I’m noob
I hit 700 damge
my name is bob
i be a long haired girl
6 boys asked me out when im a guy
LEAVE ME ALONE! read more


I have three characters on Windia. A level 26 Magician, a level 15 Warrior and another level 15 Magician. I intend to be Cleric with both of my Magicians. But I decided to make a new one yesterday. The reason why is that I strongly dislike my old Magician’s Haircut (damn you, free Hair Coupon!) and his name (in my own madness, I chose DONTSWALLOW ). I also read a guide about maximizing MP. A study has concluded that a Magician needs to add AP into INT as soon as possible. I added 4 INT and 1 LUK per level, which is, as stated in the guide, wrong. I felt really pissed and made a new Character: Mangemanche. read more

Finally Lvled, and frst Lpq!

So……its finally happened……After two years……………of doing nothing…………………………………………………


Yes, against all odds, i finally managed to gain enough exp to become level 35! (Pic 1) It literally took me two years to level up, but i did it thanks to the help of my close friends. read more