Oh noes, Ichigo 100% >=[ and Maplestory

I’ve realized

I’m currently in another one of my sporadic emo phases, and this time, I’d think that it’s the worst yet.
I don’t know

The manga/anime series “Ichigo/Strawberry 100%” triggered something in me.

Ughh.. I felt horrible

i love these people read more

WaffleStory #2

I’m super-tired right now, excuse me if they suck, i’ll make necessary changes tomorrow if they need any

i understand that the first story may be a bit hard to understand

i wrote both of these when i was tired after all so comment any questions down there and i’ll answer them

(The pig story is supposed to be choppy, it’s a storybook-type story, not a novel) read more

New account, new game

WOW, it’s been so long since I’ve been here on MMOTales. (Just to let you know, I was Shatred.)

Maplestory shall be in the past for me, and my friend has got me hooked on Final Fantasy. *stares at stack of sheet music*

My hiatus off this site is caused by my marks (which were going downhill; i got a ‘B’ for one term of Social Studies!) and the fact that MS was simply getting too boring. NO PLOT, I screamed~ I spent my summer obsessed with doing nothing, going out to the mall for movies and pointless candy shopping (yay!) and of course, stuffing my computer up with the latest TVB (HK television) drama, ‘The Drive of Life’! read more

Birdman Returns…..

”i’ve got to help him” thought asanimeman89 so he jumped up and owned those block golems.
”are u okay?”
off they went to the town of ludi……..and finally birdman woke up
”FINALLY” screeched asanimeman89 ”where am i” bird man asked ”am i dead?”
”no your alive and safe” whispered asanimeman89 ”ok…”
then he fell asleep again…. read more

New Class: Pirates

Unbelievable yes, but its true
KMS will soon be testing the new pirate class, and the new pirate town nautilus port

Believe or not, Pirates will begin to swarm GMS in time

Edit: I wanted to talk about the other things.

The claws that you see are actually fist fighters, called Infighter
The guns are obviously guns, called Gunslinger

The new town made for pirates is called Nautilus Port. read more

Back To Maple ^_^

So… were should i start >.>, well i finally got back on maple story after a 6 month or so break after my account getting stripped of about 190mil.

I decided to quit my old CB and create a ranger, so i went on with my ****ty internet connection and first dice roll i got 4/4 <3 with 13 dex 6 str so that was a big up for me after heaps of boring training i got off maple island and went and did that amoria haircut quest and i got buzzcut >.<, mind you i’ll get 5k nx for those centaurus horns (cause they g-unit) so 500 exp was pretty worth it, so afta that i did job advancement and became a bowman so thats all good in around 6 hours i leveled to lvl 14 so i decided to try out henesys pq, btw it;s bloody awesome so i we completed the pq and went into bonus by then i had already gotten around 2.6k exp from killing monsters and everything which was a big up in only 10 minutes so we did bonus and i killed heaps of pigs, we rushed and got in again and i leveled to lvl 16 in 1 pq!!!!! that was really fun well, i’m prolly gunna play maple after i play my waterpolo game for North Harbour in New Zealand lol ^-^ read more

Guru: A New MMORPG or I’m Delusional?

Guru here!

It all started on September 5th, when I thought I downloaded this game. No idea what the heck it was. It had a nice label to it: “York University”. So I thought that I’d check it out…

Awesome MMO guys. Really awesome!

Now of course, some of you may wonder “Are you on crack? Its schoolish!”

I say nay! I will explain as to why. read more

You’re an Angel? – Eleven

Ch 11 – Michelle is the name.

“Well, you may turn out to be my enemy or you may not. I don’t really care because if I have to fight you I’ll win and I promise you.” Michael said.

“Ok,” she replied.

“Well, I never really loved my family. I really hated them or at least I thought I did. I was out for a while and I thought I would go for a swim in AquaRoad. Then when I got a bit deeper something grabbed my ankles. They shattered and then I got pulled underwater. The thing that pulled me underwater turned out to be an angel.” read more





I am being stupid


Wasting your time


I just watched the commircial…..

you can understand>.>


I leveled to 29 YAY!
I go mad and crazy and wastes an hour…..

I’m telling you everytime I get to a (a level divisible by 5 or 10)I get mental….


and so i ran all over my house and broke my moms vase(sounds cheesy but its true….) read more

Aliyah’s Last Level of CLERICHOOD!

Oh god. How long did that take?! I promised myself over the summer that I was going to hit Priesthood and finally— after like a month, I

…still didn’t hit priesthood. v_v;

I’ve been level 68 and 33% ever since summer, until as of quite recently. I started training—2-3% a day or sometimes as much as 7%. And finally, with the help of my LOVELY FRIEND TWINMAN [for we looked alike clothing and pet-wise when we first met], Josh [Opulence], I leveled to 69. read more